Sunday, May 6, 2012

PearlMountain Image Converter Software Giveaway- Courtesy of Optimistic Mommy

I am delighted to be able to share this great giveaway with you!

Courtney over at Optimistic Mommy was lucky enough to be able to try out the PearlMountain Image Converter Software! She loves the software so much! Here is what the software can do for you:
  • Convert thousands of images at once using bath mode.
  • Supports almost all image formates, including BMP, JPEG, TIFF, RAW, PNG, GIF, TGA, and PSD.
  • You can convert between many different image file formats.
  • You can resize images for any different use, such as e-mail, Facebook, web, MySpace, iPod/iPad/iPhone, mobvile phone, etc.
  • You can add image and text watermark for Image Copyright Protection (Courtney's favorite feature).
  • You can adjust image brightness, contrast and saturation.
  • Apply borders to images (Courtney's second favorite feature).
  • You can also crop photos!
Courtney is happy to announce that she giving away 20 product keys to giveaway this great software! Just click 'Continue Reading' to enter on the Rafflecopter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: Courtney received a copy of the software to try for free for this review, but all opinions are strictly my own.


  1. I have used this and want it!! <3

  2. I love the facebook setting for resizing.

  3. Love "bath mode."

  4. copyright protection. my daughter is a photographer and this would be perfect for her. Teresa Thompson


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