Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Baby Shower Celebration: The Miracle Blanket Review and Giveaway

Tots and Me

About a week ago I shared a little bit about The Miracle Blanket.

This really is a unique and innovative swaddle blanket. At first I wasn't sure if I had received this blanket too late. Baby Harold has been preferring his arms out of the swaddle when I was wrapping him in his other blankets. But, I decided to give The Miracle Blanket a shot.

Ever since he has been sick he has been sleeping in the car seat. When we were in the hospital, every time I laid him down he woke back up coughing.  So I have been very leery about laying him on his back. Looking at it that way, I received the Miracle Blanket at just the right time. As baby Harold has finally gotten rid of his cough and we are done with his breathing treatments I felt safe laying him on his back during the night.

He did not mind his arms being confined (though it looks like he did as I was swaddling him) and he slept several hours. And it really was so easy to swaddle him in this blanket. As I stated in my Sponsor Spotlight post, it may not look like a traditional blanket, but it works wonderfully. No wondering where the baby's arms should go. The arm flaps gently hold the baby's arms down by his side. And then you just wrap the right side up and over the baby followed by the left over and under and around. No fiddling with the blanket to make sure it is at the right angle or length. And there are no snaps, buttons, Velcro or zippers to deal with in the middle of the night. In addition, it is very well made. This blanket is a winner in my book. You have got to check  it out. 
Head over to The Miracle Blanket site to check out this great blanket. They have several patterns/colors to choose from. While you are there, check out the other great products they carry including Miracle Sounds CDs. And don't forget about their current special discount:
$5 dollars off the regular price of $29.95
Buy any 2 Miracle Blankets and get an additional 15% discount on all 
the Miracle Blankets in your order.
 And don't forget to check them out on Facebook and Twitter

As a part of my Baby Shower Celebration, I have been offered the opportunity to do a giveaway of a Miracle Blanket of the winners choice. Isn't that awesome! 
This giveaway is open to residents of US and Canada. 
The giveaway runs from 12:01am May 10th- 11:59pm May 26th

I know I do not usually have so many entries on my Rafflecopter forms. However, these wonderful ladies are helping to share my Baby Shower Celebration and I offered them a spot or two on said form. Remember, you don't have to fill in every entry (there are only 2 mandatory entries) but each entry you complete increases your chances for winning and I would love for you to follow these great ladies who are helping me. 

Disclosure: I received  a Miracle Blanket for free as a part of my Baby Shower Celebration. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and will be good for my readers. This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on these links benefits Tots and Me at no cost to you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the Cirque Du Fleur. So cute!

  2. My favorite is the Beige With Green Trim.

  3. I like the
    Garden Pink

  4. I like the white with blue trim.

  5. I love your step by step pictures! I considered getting one of those with my second and third babies, but I never really understood exactly how they worked. Now that I see it in steps, I think that's a much better swaddling blanket than the SwaddleMe and Halo Sleep Sack swaddles that we used. I'm going to a baby shower on Monday, and this might just have to be my gift :)

  6. i like the garden pink- i love those things and i need one for my baby
    tcogbill at live dot com

  7. We have one for our newborn. He's an escape artist so it's life saver, being the only thing that keeps him swaddled.

  8. I love patterns and color so my obvious choice would be CirqueDuFleur

    danellejohns at gmail dot com

  9. It is amazing that the Miracle Blanket works the way it does. I was never fortunate to use one with my kids but a friend of mine used something similiar.

    I swear it was like night and day as she was wrapping her baby up.

  10. I love the green with beige trim!

  11. I would love a miracle blanket- I hear they work wonders!

  12. cirque de fleur

  13. I like the blue with green trim :) Having a baby boy leaves you with less options! But I love swaddling blankets...and I love the design of this one! Thanks for the chance


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