Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wittle People Wednesday #2- August 29, 2012

Welcome to the 2nd week of "Wittle People Wednesday," the new linky hosted by Ashley of Ramblings and Photos by Ashley Sisk.
wittle people wednesday button

I decided this would be fun to link up to as I am always taking pictures. I use some for Wordless Wednesday, some for the Scavenger Hunt Sunday (also hosted by Ashley) and some in my homeschool posts (the weekly review and the Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen posts), but sometimes there are pictures I would love to share that just didn't find a way into a post. 

Here are some I have taken recently:

Baby Harold has decided it is fun to play with the spoon while I am trying to feed him.

We spent our Sunday afternoon at Harold's three kids' graduation party. 
The girls enjoyed the playground. I have pictures of Tabitha and Amelia on this same playground from 2 years ago. I wish I could find the pictures to compare. I remember one of my favorite pictures was taken there. Maybe one day I will find it, I searched, but I don't think I shared it on my blog in a post. I think it was a part of my old header (after reading something in an old post).

Harold with his first grandchild. She thought it would be fun to pet her Uncle Harold. 

He didn't think so...

More messy baby pictures.

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