Monday, August 6, 2012

Back to Preschool Giveaway Blast: Sponsor Spotlight- Frecklebox

Tots and Me

Welcome to another Back to Preschool Giveaway Blast Sponsor Spotlight in anticipation of the giveaway which starts on August 8th (that is this week!). 

From the website:

Frecklebox is your home for personalized books and gifts for children.

" is a unique site where you can purchase truly special, one-of-a-kind personalized gifts. Our growing selection of personalized gifts includes personalized books, coloring books, puzzles, posters, party favors, stickers, journal books, placemats, growth charts and more.
Our personalized books and unique toddler gifts allow you to put a very personal touch on your gift. You make the stories and artwork actually about the child you're giving it to. The effect will absolutely mesmerize the child. It takes just seconds to create a personalized children's book or another personalized toddler gift-and to create memories that last a lifetime.
Frecklebox is committed to delivering the responsive customer service and fast turnaround on all orders. We maintain the highest standards for product quality, strive to deliver affordable gifts, and produce eco-friendly products."

In the spirit of my Back to Preschool Blast Giveaway I had asked if I could review some of their Personalized Coloring Books
Here is a little information about them from the site.
Frecklebox personalized coloring books are the ultimate party favor. Each of our childrens coloring books feature the child’s name on every page.Coloring books have 20 pages, printed with black ink on 70# white opaque text. The covers are printed in color on 10pt. C1s cover stock. The book is saddle-stitched. Finish size is 8.5" x 11". Each book comes with a set of four crayons. "

The books come packaged in a zippy bag with the crayons enclosed.
I also chose to get the girls a sticker set each, which are also enclosed in zippy bags.

The girls absolutely loved that their names are on these books. When I opened the package upon arrival Tabitha and Amelia were literally jumping for joy. They couldn't wait for Hannah to wake up from her nap to show her.

 I chose the In the Garden Activity books for Tabitha and Amelia because, while I know they like to color, they also enjoy mazes and such. I also wanted them to get some practice with reading. Besides, it's the time of year for bugs and gardens. Tabitha seems to think the flower on the cover is her, and she is quite proud of that. She also likes that there is a ladybug next to her. 

The first page is a coloring page with the name quite prominent. 
There are many coloring pages where their names are just there. But what I like the most are the pages where they are actually being interacted with. This truly makes it their book.

I chose an alphabet book for Hannah because we are going to be working on Letter of the Week this year. I thought it would be great for her to have a page to color for each letter we are on.

One of the first things I noticed while they were coloring was how vibrant the crayons are.

Amelia finished her first page and moved on to some other pages right away. 

I really didn't know she could do a maze so well.

Tabitha didn't get to finish her first page because she is being so careful it is taking her a while. I told her she could come back to it as I didn't want her to get frustrated. I want to make sure they are doing their best work.

Tabitha enjoyed the maze and the "find the different caterpillar" pages. Though she did need some help with that caterpillar. I love these kind of activities because they help develop fine motor skills and visual discrimination skills. I just wish there were more of them in the book. There is only one of each.

Hannah just went to town. She wasn't quite as impressed with the whole personalization thing. But we will use the opportunity to teach her name on each page.

I had to stop her because I wanted to make sure we could use this book for our lesson time. 
They were each allowed to use one sticker and save the rest for another time. 
There are so many coloring books and stickers to choose from, but I think I made pretty good decisions for the girls. They really enjoyed these books and can't wait to get them out again. In fact, Hannah was just about devastated when I put it away so she could work on something else. 

Here is a list of all the gifts Frecklebox carries:

Just head on over to their site to check all these great personalized gifts out.
I'm sure you will find something that your child would love to have.
What great gifts for birthdays and Christmas.
And this would be a great way to start the school year.

And while you are there you could check out their FREE Personalized Coloring Pages.

You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube.
Plus, they have a blog.

Frecklebox has agreed to provide the winner of the Back to Preschool Blast Giveaway a $40 Gift Cerificate. Now I know you want to check out the site to see what you can buy. Just as a heads up, the products I selected would have been able to be purchased with a $40 gift certificate. This Gift Certificate will be included in the Grand Prize Pack that is worth over $300. 

How would you like some extra entries into the Back to Preschool Blast before it even starts? 
  • Head on over to the and tell me what you would like to purchase. Leave the answer here in the comments with your email and when the giveaway is live I will email you the secret code to place in the Rafflecopter for a bonus 10 points.
  • Also, if you would like to spread the word about this event and place the button on your blog sidebar I will give you an additional 10 points. Again, please come back and comment.
Either way, don't forget to stop back between August 8th and 25th to enter the giveaway.

Tots and Me

Disclosure: I received  these products from for free as a part of my Back to Preschool Blast Giveaway. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and will be good for my readers. 


  1. i would like to purchase the tresure island personalized lunch box, the vintage truck personalized lunch box and the robotz personalized lunch box
    reljsw at gmail dot com

  2. i have the button on my blog

  3. I just love this idea and website! My youngest son is already almost 11yrs old, but struggles with severe emotional, mental and intellectual disabilities from being severely shaken when he was only 2yrs old. So this is the sort of thing that I love getting for him- and which absolutely makes his day! Having personalized crafts, coloring books, and various activities are not only fun for him, but also encourage him to push forward and continue adding new skills to his abilities (all while feeling like he is just coloring or playing with activity books!) Absolutely awesome product for all kids : )

  4. I really wish I had bought the "My Name Is" book for my middle child when he was learning his name...he would have loved it.

  5. Ah shoot...I misread and put what book I would get in the frecklebox entry. Doh! It's probably the My Name Is book.

    'Gale ecarian at yahoo dot com

  6. I'd love the Looks Like Me Light Brown Hair Princess Personalized Lunch Box.
    tvpg at aol dot com

  7. I think these personalized coloring books are just great. What a good idea for birthday favors, stocking stuffer etc. Children love seeing their name on things so this is such a great product. Thanks for the post on Freckle Box.
    Carol L.
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  8. I love Freckle Box! My daughter would love to read a book about her!

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  9. The personalized place-mats look cool :P

  10. These personalize coloring books look great!

  11. I like the personalized coloring books. We are trying to teach our little one to read and write her name and this would come in very handy. And be fun for her as well.

  12. Many nice things. I like the Personalized Butterfly Growth Chart. It is perfect for out granddaughter's room.

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  13. Personalized Coloring Books

  14. Either My Alphabet Book or My Name Is...

  15. I've never seen personalized coloring books before. Even though my daughter is 13, she still loves to color, trace, draw, and create! So cool! Thanks for the chance to win.

  16. My daughter would love to have a coordinating set: Hula Girl binder, notebook, folders, stickers, and anything else that matches!!

  17. wow there are so much to choose. My daughter would love a placemat, coloring book, stickers, sight words, etc.

  18. There are so many great things to choose from. I can easily see buying the chore charts, sketchbooks (I just wish there were more options for boys) growth charts and placemats to start.

    1. I would love to send you the Secret Word for the Bonus Entries, but you neglected to leave me an email, and I can't find one on your profile.

  19. There are so many great things to choose from. I can easily see getting the chore charts, placemats, growth charts and sketchbook to start. I just wish there were more options available for boys on the sketchbooks.

  20. My kids would love personalized coloring books!

    1. I would love to send you the Secret Word for the Bonus Entries, but you neglected to leave me an email, and I can't find one on your profile.

  21. My son just told me we NEED Fire Truck Personalized Lunch Box

  22. The personalized lunch boxes , The my name is book , the personalized placemats& the personalized story books are nice !

  23. I loooved the personalized sight word pads --oh I soo want smthing like that --they are kool

    Nikki Kratzer

  24. I would love to buy Pet Park Personalized Coloring Book
    Sara Campbell

  25. Would like the personalized journal - either mod molly or rocker chick

  26. I'd like to purchase the Personalized Race Car Lunchbox.

    icefairyisme at gmail dot com


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