Friday, August 17, 2012

Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen #22: Dirt Pudding

Well, a new school year is starting up and I thought it was time to revive Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen. This will be a weekly linky where you can share your fun times in the kitchen with your children and/or your kid-friendly recipes. And guess what, I finally created a button.


The linky is at the bottom.

This week we were learning about the first 3 days of Creation. On day 3 God created the land and plants so we decided (besides veggies, seeds and fruit for the muffin tin) we needed some dirt...or dirt pudding of course.

This is a very simple and common recipe, but the kids had fun nonetheless which was the important part.

We made a large batch, but half of this would have sufficed.
2 packages of instant chocolate pudding
4 cups of milk
Peanut butter
3 Oreo's for each child

First we crushed the Oreo's

Then we set that aside and got ready to make the pudding. 

Tabitha poured the milk.

Amelia added one box of pudding.

Hannah added the other one.

Then we mixed it up using my electric beaters. 
It's supposed to be for 2 minutes, but we just mix until everyone has a decent turn.

Then I add the peanut butter. 
I don't measure really. It is about 4 heaping tablespoons for a double batch which has 4 cups of milk.

Then we mix that in. 
We layered cookie crumbs, pudding, cookie crumbs, pudding and a sprinkling of remaining cookie crumbs in plastic cups.

 It made a nice dessert for the muffin tin meal.

Do you have your children help you in the kitchen?  What lessons do they learn? Do you have any kid friendly recipes to share?
I'd love to see your posts, whether you have done something this week or some time in the past. Just link up below. This is a weekly linky.

I am linking up to:

Blog Post Hop

Growing Up Gardner

Happy Go Lucky

And here is my Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen linky


  1. Love it! And your girls are adorable :) We have the opposite dynamic with 4 boys but they still love to help in the kitchen :) Thanks for stopping by Mamas Like Me.

  2. J Myster loves helping me bake...I'm gonna have to come up with some fun kids projects for him to work on this year.

  3. Ohhh yum, love your addition of peanut butter - sounds like a great combination!! And thanks for sharing at Happy lil ❤'s are baking!


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