Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back to Preschool Giveaway Blast: Sponsor Spotlight- What Children Need to Learn to Read Book and CD

Tots and Me

Welcome to another Back to Preschool Giveaway Blast Sponsor Spotlight.

"Learners Lane began in Michelle Vallene’s and Suzie Connor’s living rooms in October, 2000. Searching for a way to help her children learn to read, she developed an unparalleled reading curriculum that she started teaching out of her home to groups of young children. This program quickly expanded to local community centers and summer programs. A math enrichment program was created, in addition to chess and individual tutoring.
In the summer of 2010, we added a new preschool reading and math class in the Puget Sound area.
Learners Lane is now offering products directly to parents, caregivers and grandparents so they can empower their children with this fun, easy reading program.  "

About the book:
all-in-one resource to help your child learn to read in an easy and fun way. This book is crammed with dozens of activities children love — music, jokes, silly sounds, dancing. This book makes a great gift for a new parent. Guaranteed to be a book with many dog-eared pages. The complete parent’s guide to ensuring literacy, a love of reading, and school readiness.  Get started now to ensure reading success and confidence for your child! "
(Review upcoming)

Just head on over to the Learner's Lane site for more details.

You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter

Learner's Lane has agreed to provide the winner of the Back to Preschool Blast Giveaway their own What Children Need to Learn to Read book along with the music CD.

How would you like some extra entries into the Back to Preschool Blast? 
  • Head on over to their site and tell me something you learned. Leave the answer here in the comments with your email and I will email you the secret code to place in the Rafflecopter for a bonus 10 points.
  • Also, if you would like to spread the word about this event and place the button on your blog sidebar I will give you an additional 10 points. Again, please come back and comment.
Either way, don't forget to stop back between August 8th and 25th to enter the giveaway.

Tots and Me

Disclosure: I received  What Children Need to Learn to Read Book and  the CD  for free as a part of my Back to Preschool Blast Giveaway. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and will be good for my readers. 


  1. This book sounds great. My son is 4 and will starting preschool in a couple weeks. I want to start working with him, getting him ready for kindergarten.

  2. I discovered that Learners Lane began in their living room when they developed a fun and easy way for their children to learn to read!

    Anne Sweden
    ducksoup at wamego dot net

  3. I actually have this book sitting on the bookshelf and I need to dust it off and give it a quick read through.

  4. This sounds like a great book that i could use for my daughter .I learned that the program was first discovered by two woman name Michelle Vallene’s and Suzie Connor’s in 2000 in their living room.

  5. i add to the blog button to side bar (the right side on the top)

  6. Sounds like an awesome book! Would love to get this!

    kelsey house

  7. My daughter is reading some already at 3, but there aren't a lot of refine-reading-skills programs out there that are tailored for those so young. This package looks really fun and at her age level while building on the skills she already has. Love it!

  8. I learned that they have all kinds of books on math, reading and everything to get ready for school! I also learned they're in the Puget Sound Area. Thanks for the giveaway bonus! :)


  9. Sounds interesting - there are so many different options out there for different learning styles!

  10. I think the idea of using so many fun and exciting activities for kids to teach kids reading is a brilliant idea, I feel like this is something my kids would absolutely love!

    My email: orangestar17(at)hotmail(dot)com

  11. My grandson is just now starting to try and spell words, so reading is just around the corner for him.

  12. I love the idea behind this book, it sounds like something I should own to help our sons enjoy reading as much as I do!

    livinglifeinmotion at

  13. the ideas for teaching children is so good. thank you for the good review, good read.
    dot com

  14. This sounds like it would work for those who do not know how to read, those who are just learning to read, and those who can read but need some more work. I know my son would love this. He just started kindergarten. He knows how to read but this will help strengthen that.

  15. Fantastic product - as a Mom who is new to homeschooling I can definitely appreciate this ... THanks for sharing

  16. I learned that the products are meant to help to make my child a life-long learner.

  17. I learned how these materials will provide and fun and life long learning expirience for my child, And that yelling and whispering are expiriment in sound wave .

  18. I learned that family classrooms do not have to be filled with worksheets and videos

  19. This sounds like a great and educational book. Thanks so much!!

  20. I learned it began in October 2000 in living rooms and then spread to local community centers and summer programs.
    tvpg at aol dot com

  21. I read enough about it to believe that my youngest could learn successfully to read with the help of this book

    Nikki Kratzer

  22. There process takes advantage of a child's natural curiosity and uses their regular activities to encourage them to learn and to teach them

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  23. I learned that this program began in Michelle Vallene’s and Suzie Connor’s living rooms
    Sara Campbell

  24. I love that it is hand's on learning and can be made fun! Learning SHOULD be fun!
    abi (dot) raines (at) gmail (dot) com

  25. This sounds so educational for kids. I am excited to check it out.

  26. Sounds great. I love that it's full of fun stuff, like jokes. Kids would love this!

  27. Sounds amazing, fun, and educational :)

  28. I learned that Learners Lane began in Michelle Vallene’s and Suzie Connor’s living rooms in October, 2000

  29. I learned that they recommend Learn to Add and Subtract Game – Hide & Eek

    icefairyisme at gmail dot com

  30. I learned the program began in the living rooms of Michelle and Suzie :)

  31. I was amazed at the variety of things available to make learning fun for children at home. I certainly never thought of yelling and whispering as experiments in sound waves.

  32. I forgot to leave my email
    jbafaith2001 at yahoo dot com


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