Monday, June 18, 2012

A Very Special June 17th

Well, we woke up yesterday knowing that it was Father's Day. But it took a few minutes to dawn on me that it was also the day that baby Harold turned 4 months old. In fact, it wasn't until Amelia exclaimed excitedly that she couldn't wait for tomorrow (today) because it was her birthday and she turns 4 months old, that I realized it. No, that was not a typo. She said she was turning 4 months old, so as I corrected her and told her she was going to be 4 years old, I remembered it was actually baby Harold's 4 month "birthday." So we got to celebrate Father's Day and Happy 4 months old baby Harold all in one day.

The girls had made daddy little "About My Daddy" books we found over at 1+1+1=1.

This is Hannah's

I traced her hand to make it look like she was holding daddy's hand. No she did not draw her daddy by herself. I guided her hand.


As it is not dark enough to read:
His name is Harold
Hi is maybe 15 years old.
He weights maybe 16 pounds.
He likes to eat lasagna.
He likes to drink soda.
His favorite color is blue.
He is so strong, he could lift us.
His favorite toy is a monkey.
When he goes to work he gives shots and pokes.
He and I like to play.
He smiles when we go to Bills.
He loves me because he takes us to the Bills game.
I love him because he carries me up and plays with us.


And here is my 4 month old little guy.

Oh, look, feet.



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1 comment:

  1. Cute card and lovely pictures of baby Harold. Her look very smart in his outfit and the perfect smile.
    I hope it was a fantastic day.


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