Thursday, June 21, 2012

Free Sign Ups for Eight Weeks of Handbags Giveaways Event

Looking to drive some traffic to your blog?
Here is a unique giveaway event. There are going to be 8 consecutive weeks of new giveaways, all involving "high-end designer bags." The prizes will either be brand new or straight out of a celebrities closet. The new prize for each week will be a surprise but she is sharing that the first week we’ll be featuring a Fendi handbag from the closet of a Dancing With The Stars Celebrity! On the 8th week, there will be a grand finale of a prize with bonus entries for readers who have entered the previous giveaways in the 7 weeks leading up to this coveted bag giveaway.

Sound like a giveaway you would like to enter? Stay tuned as it will be starting soon. Sound like an event you would like to join in on? It is a Free event, just asking for us to promote both the sign ups and the giveaways as they go live. And the giveaways will be open worldwide. 

If you are interested in joining in, click here to fill in the form.

Please mention that Tots and Me referred you.

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