Friday, June 15, 2012

Back to Preschool Giveaway Being Planned


I know, I know, summer hasn't even really started yet by the calendar and it seems we have to start thinking about Back to School already. But August will be here before we know it. The older kids will be going off to school or starting their studies back up (if you don't school year round). I thought it would be neat to have something for the younger family members to make "Back to School" time more fun.  I remember when Tabitha was only 2 1/2 years old and big siblings Steven and Krystal were going off to school. It was then that I decided we needed to do something fun, have our own lesson times "officially." In fact, that is what my very first blog post is about.

So, how are we going to make Back to School time exciting for someone's child (ren) this year. I am gathering together some great products that are geared for the older toddler or young preschooler. I will be sharing reviews during the month of July. And then in August, from the 1st through the 18th there will be a giveaway. 

One winner will win the entire prize pack!

Are you curious as to what will be given away. 
Well...stay tuned!

I will be sharing more shortly. And bloggers, I would love to include you in this event. Stay tuned for details of the free (yes, FREE) blogger opp.

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