Sunday, June 17, 2012

Moments to Remember From the Week of June 10, 2012

This week the girls finally received replies from their new pen pals. If you are interested I joined a group called Homeschool Pen Pals ( on Facebook.

The girls were so thrilled to receive their letters. Of course, daddy had to tease them.

Looking at the writing on the envelope.

Opening the letters.

Poor Hannah doesn't have a pen pal. I really didn't think it would be a problem. But she really wanted something too. Luckily the pen pals had both included a small sheet of star stickers and the girls were willing to share.

I realized I never shared pictures of the girls writing their letters to their pen pals. So, thought I would share them now.

I helped them think of things to write. This is their first experience with pen pals. I thought it would be fun and educational.
Amelia told me what she wanted to say (after I prompted her a bit), then I made the dots and she traced.

Tabitha needed some ideas on what to write and some help with spelling occasionally, but she did the majority herself. She didn't need dots either. She writes pretty well on her own. Now if she would just start using lower case.

For Hannah it was just a time to doodle.

With some help from the troll.

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