Saturday, March 24, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: March 25, 2012

I was limited in my picture taking opportunities this week as Harold III is still in the hospital with RSV and Pneumonia and I've been staying here all week.  Hubby is helping me get this post up because I can't post from my phone.  Isn't he wonderful, outstanding, awesome, etc??? abd did I mention how good looking he is?

This was on the wall in the hospital.  I fell in love with it.

Yes, even in the hospital, you can find dust.

The door is swinging closed in these 4 shots.

I loved seeing the flowers sprouting in these pictures.  Makes me think Spring might stay . . .

I had to make each of my older girls a card after all they'd done for me while I've been here

I am linking this up to flash foto friday


  1. Oh my, I hope Harold gets well SOON! I really like the photo of the cards you created.

  2. Hard to be hanging out at the hospital isn't it? Hoping for a speedy return to health. Good job finding the all the prompts there.

  3. So sorry to hear your wee one is sick with RSV.

  4. So sorry your little guy is so sick! These came out great, hope he is on the mend and you go home soon!

  5. So sorry you little guy is in the hospital. I love that he's someplace where they take care of the whole child. Imaginations still need to be fed even when kids are sick.

  6. Sending well wishes to your guy!!!

  7. Aww, what a sweet and helpful husband you have been blessed with. Praying Harold is well enough to go home soon.

  8. What a lovely man you have married. And I truly hope your precious is all better!!

  9. Great shots. Love them all. Prayers are with you and yours. May the Lord bless them. My better half helps me each week post and what a gift to share together. Thanks

  10. Great pictures. I hope the blessings of the Lord are with your loved ones. My better half helps me and what a blessing for us each to share. Prayers are with you. Thanks


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