Thursday, March 1, 2012

Baby Shower Celebration Commences: First Fun Baby Shower Game

Tots and Me

I'm not sure what I am more amazed about, the fact that it is March already or that Baby Harold is almost 2 weeks old. Whichever it is doesn't really matter I guess. What matters is the start of my Baby Shower Celebration. For this lovely month of March I will be bringing you, my great readers, reviews and giveaways of some awesome baby/mommy products. 
Who doesn't love a baby shower. There is usually great food and fellowship. If you are a guest you get to give  the mommy something special for her little one. If you are the guest of honor you get to receive those gifts. One of the anticipated events is opening the presents (at least it has been at all the baby showers I have attended). But something else I always look forward to is the games that are played. I have been to several different baby showers and the games have always been unique and lots of fun. I don't think the games have been duplicated yet. Some people are just sooo creative. 
So, in addition to the great giveaways this month, I am also going to post some fun games. While you don't have to participate in all the festivities, doing so will get you more entries into the giveaways. 
Also, if you would like 5 easy extra entries, and you haven't already done so, I would love for you to share my Baby Shower Celebration button on your sidebar. Just grab the code from the top of my sidebar, add it to yours and come back here to this post and let me know you have done so. Then you may fill in the extra entries in any (or all) of the giveaways you choose throughout the month. 

Baby Shower Game
We would love for you to stop by our hospital's Virtual Nursery and sign our baby book. Then come back here (or in the Rafflecopter form for the first Giveaway which will go live shortly) and fill in the blanks.
"I'm _____ Like _________ and a _______ _________ like Daddy!"
Please make sure to sign the baby book. 


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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