Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easter Basket Phonics Hunt

I had this brilliant idea (okay, I think it is a brilliant idea) for a new phonics hunt game. A while back I shared with you our Great Phonics Hunt. The other day I was looking at an Easter basket and thought that the grass would be fun for some sort of sensory activity. But what could I have the girls hunt for. That was when I remembered the Phonics Hunt. This is what I came up with the

Easter Basket Phonics Hunt!!

What do you need for this fun activity?

An Easter Basket filled with grass
12 plastic eggs with letter stickers
12 small objects to represent those 12 beginning sounds

Label the eggs with the letter stickers.

Here is a close up of objects.

I then hid the objects in the grass:

And the girls got to find them.

First I reviewed the letters on the easel, making sure they could tell me the name and the sound. I figured they could, they went beyond what I was asking for by adding a word to go with each sound.  Then I showed them the eggs in the egg carton.

They took turns reaching inside the basket for an object.

They told me what it was.

And found the correct egg to place it in.

After we filled all the eggs the girls put the objects back in and they told me what to find (with my eyes closed). I had to tell them the letter and the sound. I tell you, some of those things are hard to find in that grass, especially when you are searching for a specific one.

The girls seem to think it is a great new activity. The were upset when I had them get out their workbooks because I couldn't keep looking for objects when the baby needed to nurse.

Linking to:

Acting Balanced Chestnut Grove AcademyThursday Favorite ThingsHappy Go Lucky


  1. I love this! I pinned this activity to my homeschool board. Thanks!

  2. I used to do this all the time with my kindergarteners when I was an interventionist! The kids loved it! I had a bunch of variations on the theme as well. LOL Just hopped over from the Favorite Things hop!

  3. That is such a wonderful activity! It sounds so fun. I am going to have to try it with my 4 year old. Thanks for this post. I am visiting from Thirsty Thursday!

  4. This is a really cute idea. I am a new blogger also. My blog is about my preschool. I left you a Lovely Blog Award on my site to pick up.

    Heather Mix
    An Interesting Mix

  5. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing with BTT!

  6. So clever, and you make learning fun! xo

  7. What a great idea! We have a set of plastic acorns that share a similar concept. I like the idea of using the plastic eggs around Easter time!


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