Saturday, March 3, 2012

Baby Shower Celebration: Woombie Swaddle Review and Gift Set Giveaway

Tots and Me

A couple of weeks ago I shared a little bit about the Woombie

You can find the post here.
I have had a couple of weeks to use our Woombie with Baby Harold. When I first brought him home I tried swaddling him with a receiving blanket. He was waking up quite a lot at night. I completely understand that that is to be expected with a newborn. It was the one reason I debated staying a little longer in the hospital (I had the option to stay an extra night because of the c-section), I could have the nurses take the baby to the nursery so I could sleep. However, I opted to go home, to my family and my comfortable bed. After a few nights of no sleep, which wasn't helping my nasty headache, I decided to see if the Woombie would make a difference. 
I had had my reservations about how snug fitting the Woombie appeared. I had even contacted Woombie before baby Harold was born as I wasn't sure how he would fit. I was reassured that there is quite a bit of "roominess" for the baby and a bigger size would "defeat the purpose of the swaddle." Even so, the first time I put him in the Woombie, Harold didn't seem to be comfortable. It seemed to me, from pictures on the site,
The Original Woombie
that his arms should be placed across his chest. I took the Woombie off of him and almost changed my mind about using it. Fortunately, I decided to give it another try. This time I placed his arms at his side and then zipped up the swaddle. He was much more comfortable and slept for 4 hours, letting mommy get some much needed sleep. When he awoke around 4:30 I fed him and put him back to sleep. He slept for several more hours. What a relief to this mommy. He was snug and secure in his Woombie and really seems to like it. The swaddle prevents him from startling, helping him to sleep soundly. And if he wakes up and starts crying, he will go back to sleep after a few minutes. The thing is, I have a couple of different blankets I need to review and I have had a hard time thinking about going without the Woombie.
Now, he hasn't slept perfectly every night. But I don't think that has anything to do with the Woombie. Some days we just neglected to wake him up enough during the day and evening, especially close to bedtime, and I paid for it with his waking up too much at night. 
Doesn't he look so content?

I do still use a blanket over the top as it is quite cold in our room right now. As he is so secure in his Woombie, I do not see that he would be able to get the blanket up over his face, so I am not worried about suffocation. 

A few notes of concern I would like to share:
  • I still was a little concerned about the tightness of the neck, so I have never fully zipped it up or used the snap. I leave the zipper down about one inch. Unfortunately this leaves the snap flap to get into his face unless I tuck it under and sometimes it doesn't stay put.  Despite this, he still sleeps soundly.
  • That brings me to my other caution. One night he slept too well. I popped up all in a panic one morning because he had slept about 7 hours. Granted I got some well needed and deserved sleep, but I was so worried. And as a nursing mom I was also concerned because I didn't want my milk supply to suffer. One week old was a little too young to be sleeping so long. The Woombie had worked too well. He has not slept that long since, but my hubby and I thought it was a relevant concern to bring up. 
  • I do take the Woombie off him when he wakes up at night to nurse, otherwise he falls asleep to soon. This is another reason I have found that he wakes up again too soon as he hadn't fully satisfied his hunger. So I take him completely out of the Woombie for nursing and then I put him back in when he is done, burped and changed. So, I have not had the need to use another great feature of the Woombie. There is a two-way zipper, it opens from the bottom as well as the top for ease of diaper changing. 
All in all I have been thrilled with the Woombie. As I stated in my Sponsor Spotlight I have had 7 children now, and still have not gotten the hang of swaddling with a receiving blanket. How I wish I had discovered the Woombie sooner.  I highly recommend the Woombie. 

Head on over to the Woombie site to check out all the great products for yourself. They have several different designs now (original, organic, summer, winter, the Houdini and deluxe), plus some other great  products, like hats and Mox Mittens to name a couple. You can also check them out on Facebook and Twitter.  You can also check out their Youtube channel.

Woombie has graciously allowed me to offer my readers a chance to win their very own Woombie/Beanie Hat Gift Set. What a great gift to take to a baby shower, or to keep for yourself if you are expecting.  Just fill in the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win. Though you do not have to fill in all the entries, doing so will give you a better chance of winning. I am still offering 5 extra entries for adding the Baby Shower Celebration button to your sidebar if you have not already done so. And you can earn 10 extra entries by playing my two baby shower games (5 extra entries each). You just need to check out these two posts (Wordless Wednesday Feb 22nd) and (Baby Shower Game post) for the information you need, then come back here to enter the information into the Rafflecopter form.
This giveaway is only open to residents of the United States, sorry.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Thank you to Woombie for supplying me with a Woombie Swaddle for review purposes. This review contains my honest opinion and was not swayed by receiving the product. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I think their Eco Donut looks really neat too. Expensive but cozy :)

  2. I am in love with the Conv' Leggies combo! My baby loves to be swaddled but oh to put them in the car seat or swing like that!

  3. I love the organic woombie!

    jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

  4. I also like the Mo Mo Friends blanket. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  5. I like the CozyDry.

    arobinson45 (at)

  6. I love the convertible leggies!


  7. I like the ultra sleeper too!

  8. I like the Eco Donut :) Pretty neat!

  9. i like the mox mittens
    tcogbill at live dot com

  10. The convertible leggies look cute! Hey, did you get my email about entries on the Rafflecopter for my blog (Zephyr Hill)? Thanks!!

  11. My baby girl is 2 weeks old today and LOVES to be swaddled! I adore the The Deluxe Woombie!! Love the frills! :)

  12. I think that the Convertible Woombie looks great!
    lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com

  13. I like the The Woombie Beanie Hat in Girl Stripes!

    Kerri, kerbear560 at yahoo dot com

  14. Danielle Davis/GradyMarch 8, 2012 at 12:06 AM

    I really like the The Eco'Toddler Donut!
    Thank you!
    Suchaproudmama @

  15. LOVE the Eco'Donut! Thanks for the entry!
    4babyandmom at gmail dot com.

  16. I like the Wrap and Snap Woombie.

  17. I love the The Organic Woombie

  18. I love the snap woombie... so cool! Thank you for the awesome giveaway!


  19. Those parent time dolls are cute.

  20. I like the baby doughnut

  21. I like the Keylime Big Baby Original Bag

    cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com

  22. I like the Woombie Wrap & Snap

  23. Their website seems to be down. I can see the landing page but if i click on anything else I get an error that the page cannot be found.

  24. I love that Woombie Wrap & Snap. I wish I had one when my children were babies.
    Danielle S

  25. I like the Eco toddler donut

    Ngelica_mtz at yahoo dot com

    -Angie Martinez

  26. I love the Deluxe Woombie and the knot hats. :-)

    my_2_cents at hotmail dot com


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