Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall Into Reading 2011

Okay, it has been awhile since I participated in any reading challenges. I burnt myself out last time by trying to read too many books.  When I saw the button for Fall Into Reading 2011 on someone's blog I just had to sign up. I know this is an easy challenge, I don't have to read a certain amount of books.  Which is great.  But I figured a challenge will get me to try to read something different or new.  I think I am annoying my hubby by the amount of times I have been rereading the Twilight Saga. So, I have some books I am supposed to be reviewing and some books I want to read that I figured this challenge would help me get to.  

Here is my list:

The Host by Stephenie Meyer
Product Details
I have debated reading this for a while. I didn't think I would really like it, sounded a little creepy and so different from the Twilight Saga.  Alien "souls" taking over the human race, but one survivor is fighting back, refusing to be occupied. The Soul ends up filled with thoughts of the human host's love and we end up with a really weird love triangle. Hmmm. I finally broke down and put it on hold a few weeks ago and it came in last week. So far, I like what I am reading.

Larkspur Cove by Lisa Wingate

Product Details
This is a book I am supposed to be reviewing from Bethany House Publishers. After a divorce Andrea Henderson moves back to the town where she grew up in Texas to start a new life as a Social worker. She finds herself working with Game Warden Mart McClendon to investigate a sighting of the town recluse with a little girl. What will become with their relationship?

The Skin Map by Stephen R. Lawhead
Product Details
Thanks to looking through Katrina's list for Fall Into Reading I have decided to read this book. She is reading the sequel and seemed to like this book. I like the sound of this book because it involves time travel and, from what I understand, alternate universes. 

Storm Warning by Billy Graham
Product Details
This is actually a revised and updated copy of Billy Graham's original book. This is from the cover, "Whether Global Recession, Terrorist Threats, or Devastating Natural Disasters, these ominous shadows must bring us back to the gospel." I was supposed to be reviewing this book but have found it very hard to get into. I am going to try again, as I am really interested in an examination of "the book of Revelation in light of current events."

Transforming Prayer by Daniel Henderson
Product Details
Yet another book I am to be reviewing. This book started out really catching my interest. Pastor Daniel Henderson explains how worship-based prayer can make a "profound difference" in the life of a Christian. I would love to learn how to come before the Lord and am going to finish this book during this challenge.

Know Why You Believe by Paul E. Little
Know Why You Believe
This is a book that a friend of mine studied with her church (the church where I go to play group with the girls). I saw the pile of books in the kitchen and asked if I could borrow one.  I thought it would be a nice book to strengthen my faith.

So, there you have it, the books I want to read this fall. I may also try to read a couple more books in the Left Behind series. And I will probably read Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer right before the movie comes out in November (much to my hubby's chagrin).


  1. I LOVED "The Host!" Such a great book!
    Hi! New follower from the Boost my Blog Friday blog hop! Please follow back. Thanks! :)

  2. Have fun reading!! I loved The Host!!

  3. hmmm, not sure if I have ever seen the book on prayer. Heading to check it out!

    Enjoy your reading,
    Missional Mama

  4. New follower from Boost my Blog Friday blog hop! Hoping you follow back!! =0)

  5. Storm Warning was great and I've heard good things about the Skin Map. Lots of luck with your fall reading.

  6. I absolutely loved The Host! I didn't think I would -- didn't sound like my kind of book at all -- but it sucked me in completely! And The Skin can take a while to get into, but then it absorbed me too. I read the first 100 pages of the sequel last night. Couldn't put it down! Thanks for being part of FIR '11! Enjoy your fall reading!

  7. I really liked The Host. Definitely different from the Twilight series, but it's good to see Meyer can write about different things. Happy reading! My list is here.

  8. Fun list! Have never read any of the titles, but Larkspur cove looks like something I might enjoy!

    Happy Reading! :)

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting - looks like you have a good list here...happy reading!

  10. I didn't even realize Meyer had another book out! And I'm working through "Know WHAT You Believe" (also by Paul Little) with my teens right now. Hope you enjoy your reading this fall!

  11. These look great! Enjoy your reading!

  12. I love Fall Into Reading because you can challenge yourself as much or as little as you like and your list doesn't have to be set in stone. Happy fall reading.


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