Thursday, April 4, 2013

Time For Another Ultimate Blog Party!


Well, somehow I missed out on participating in the Ultimate Blog Party in 2012, so this is my second time to join in. If you would like to find out more about this great Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom, just head on over to their UBP 2013 Post

It's hard to believe I have been blogging for 3 1/2 years now. I started Tots and Me as a place to share the different crafts and activities I was doing with the girls, who at that time were only 2 1/2 and 1. I wanted to share with other mothers of young children. Since that time we have added two more blessings to our family and have officially joined the homeschool world. 

(This is the most recent picture I have of us. It was our first day of school, Aug 2012. Now to figure out how to get daddy in a photo too)

As our family has grown and changed, so has my blog. I joined blog hops to gain more followers. I started participating in group giveaways to help grow my social media stats. I was able to start hosting reviews and giveaways of my own. Unfortunately, these things have kept me so busy, my original reason for starting my blog has slipped away. I don't find the time to blog about our homeschool days. Sure, part of it is having 4 children, one of them being just 1 year old and into EVERYTHING. But I have just recently decided that I have got to get back to the reason for my blogging. I want to be able to share with other mothers of young children ideas that I come up with or have found elsewhere. If I share reviews and giveaways I want to make sure they fit with the heart and soul of this blog. 

I have continued to join in with certain blog link ups every week (or close to every week). These have remained important to me. 
  • Scavenger Hunt Sunday (a photo scavenger hunt, where we are given 5 prompts to look for during the week)
  • Muffin Tin Monday (sharing our lunches made in a muffin tin)
  • Wordless Wednesday (sharing our Wordless (or nearly Wordless) posts with many other bloggers who also host WW linkies)
I have also started joining in with 
And I have a few linkies I host 
I have plans to possibly start up a couple of my old memes.
  • Toddler Ideas Tuesday (which has been neglected far too long)
  • Words of Wisdom Wednesday (also neglected far too long)
I also miss linking up with Tiny Talk Tuesday and sharing the fun and funny things the girls are saying. 

I am looking forward to moving forward with Tots and Me and I hope you will join me for this adventure. Besides following me via GFC, if you still have it, you can follow me in the following ways:

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a comment and I will make sure to stop by your blog as well. I am looking forward to getting to meet new people this week.


  1. Thank you so much for hosting the Tuesday link up. I always link up. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, I love that picture! Can't wait to explore your blog, especially the muffin tin ideas!

  3. Nice to meet you and your gang, it looks like in the 3 1/2 years you hae been doing alot of blogging and that is great from an old timer like me (blogging 10 yrs now) Enjoy the party and meeting new people.

  4. Hi, stopping by during the Ultimate Blogging Party =) The blog link ups are fun, arent they?

  5. One of these days I will start using a muffin tin for lunches!

  6. What a wonderful blog you have here. I will be coming back to join in the blog hops. I am a fellow homeschooler that is new (sorta) to blogging. Looking forward to sharing new ideas together.

  7. Hi there :) I'm visiting from the UBP2013.

    Beautiful children you have :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Feel free to come by and say hi on my blog :)

  8. Hello from #UPB13! I'm partying too!

    I love that you're so active in the blogosphere! I'll check out your linkies!

  9. Hi,

    I come for the party ^___*. I like to "meet" new bloggers friend through this party. You must be busy mom.

    Pls return to see my UBP blog post too in here: See you at my blog ;)

  10. Hey there! I'm stopping by from the Crew forum, but I'm also participating in the UBP. :) I love the idea of the kids and a mom in the kitchen link up and the one for toddlers! I'd particpate in both! Looking forward to reading more. :)

  11. I am from the crew and also in the UBP! Nice to meet you :) We made the Resurrection rolls too! Even my kids 12 and 10 liked it!

  12. Hello I came to party! Who knew that there were so many things going on in the blogosphere. Your blog looks great and it looks like you have your hands full with those 4. Love the big blue eyes on the little guy (both of mine have them too I think there harder to say "No" to than the big brown puppy dog ones).

  13. Welcome to the party!
    It's funny how we can lose track of why we started to blog sometimes... Love that you want to get back to where you started!

    Hope you get a chance to stop by sometime!

  14. What a sweet family you have! Congrats on blogging for 3.5 years and for all your success growing your site.

    I'm so glad you've joined the party again.

  15. I hope you're having a terrific time at the UBP13.
    It's so easy to get caught up in other things. I've recently started setting aside time for blogging. Even writing my posts and then scheduling them. It's actually been a blessing.
    Of course, I don't have kids but since I suffer from severe chronic pain I never know how my day is going to be.
    You have a wonderful blog and a beautiful family.

  16. Here from the UBP!

  17. You have a beautiful family! I've been blogging for 4 years as well. Good to see you at the party this year!

  18. Hello, I love your blog and try and follow it every week. I do make a lot of the WW but will have to check out the rest you mentioned. Have a great week and take care of the beautiful family.

  19. You have a beautiful family hun. I've happened upon your site before for a linky but I can't remember which one it was :X

  20. We've just embarked on our homeschooling adventure in Maui and I can't tell you how encouraged I am by all the beautiful mothers, like you, who choose to spend their energy on their children that way. I'm stopping in from the UBP and can't wait to get to know you better.

    If you're up for it I'd so love to have you join me for the ride at Local Sugar Hawaii, we're riding the wave of life together, one silly adventure at a time.


  21. Just stopping by to party with your family. I'm looking forward to reading more homeschooling type posts. We can always use more ideas and encouragement.

  22. It's nice meeting you! You have a beautiful family! :-)

  23. It is amazing how fast one can loose the focus when you get consumed by the numbers. Happens to the best of us though, we always find our way back.

  24. Nice to meet you! Stopping in from UBP13! Looking forward to reading your posts :)

  25. Hey there! Stooping by from blog party! Happy to meet you.

  26. I'm just stopping to check out your blog from the UBP #13 blog hop. I am excited to read your posts and I am glad your getting back to the reason you started to blog.


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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