Monday, April 8, 2013

Muffin Tin Monday: Oo Octopus/Ocean

Today we started our Oo: Octopus unit. I decided to make an Octopus/Ocean muffin tin. The theme this week was "It's a Jungle Out There," but I just couldn't seem to get that to fit with Octopus. So, we still have an environment theme: Ocean.

The girls had an octodog on top of green tinted Ramen noodles.
A mozzarella cheese fish with blueberry bubbles.
Spinach seaweed
Goldfish crackers (should have gotten the whales...hindsight)
Finding Nemo gummies.

Harold had:
Goldfish crackers
Octodog (which I watched him very carefully with. When he got to the head, I cut it up. I just wanted him to have a octodog too.
Cut up mozzarella cheese
Cut up Ramen noodles. 


  1. Cute lunches! Love the blueberry bubbles!

  2. So adorable! My kiddos love Octopus hotdogs! Love your fish and bubbles!

  3. Totally cute! Octodogs always crack me up.

    Thanks for linking up with Muffin Tin Monday! :)

  4. Cute! I like the blueberry bubbles


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