Saturday, April 27, 2013

Five on Friday: April 27, 2013 (on Saturday)

I can not believe I forgot to post a Random 5 on Friday Post for the last two weeks. It completely slipped my mind. As I really do like this idea, I hope to do better going forward. Though I am going to make these a bit brief this week.

1- We watched The Little Mermaid last night for movie and popcorn night. This was the first time I have seen it in years. I really do miss these great kind of Disney movies.

2- I forgot to make the popcorn for our movie and popcorn night. Oops. The children didn't notice until the movie was over (I had noticed a slight bit earlier) and then it was too late to make it.

3- I am actually glad I didn't make the popcorn because I would have been tempted to eat it (I always give into that temptation). Giving in and eating the popcorn would not have helped my weight loss attempts.

4- I haven't stuck to my exercise/diet goals this week at all. Hoping for a better week next week.

5- On a positive note, I did get my review up on time for Dr. Craft's Active Play! book. I wasn't sure if I was going to because our electricity went out two nights before when I had planned on writing it. I ended up having to write it after we got home from the Draft Day Party (after midnight). I will be sharing more from the Draft Day Party (the children's and my first one) for Wordless Wednesday.

If you would like to participate in Random 5 on Friday head on over to The Pebble Pond.

1 comment:

  1. I have been trying to eat healthy. Not very easy for this junk food junkie!


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