Saturday, April 6, 2013

Five on Friday: April 6, 2013

Okay, so I am a little late. But it is still technically Friday out west!

1- Tabitha is getting ready to participate in her first play tomorrow (well, Saturday afternoon). The homeschool co-op we are a part of does this every year. In fact, before we were even a part of it we went to the plays. I believe the last 3 or 4 years we went. Tomorrow Tabitha gets to be a cat who is one of the forest animals watching the tortoise and the hare race.

2- I just love how the play is another thing that seemed to mesh together this year with what we were learning. She would have been practicing this when we were studying Tt:Turtle and acting out the play with Tortuga and Conejo with Song School Spanish. Such a great reminder as we go through our day to say, "I don't quit, I persevere." I need that a lot.

3- We have the Wii U and I am now addicted to Yoshi's Fruit cart, where you use the stylus or your finger to navigate your way across the screen to eat the fruit and open the gate to the next level. The tricky part is that the fruit only appears on the tv screen not the Wii U Controller screen, so you have to have really good sense of the space. As you progress holes appear that need to be avoided, your time gets shorter and the fruit starts to rotate.

4- We got to go to the park for the first time this year. They just opened the gates yesterday. The girls wanted to go so bad yesterday, but it was way to cold. Today it was a bit chilly, but we took them for a few minutes.

5- I saw my first robin Wednesday in our front yard and another one yesterday in the tree outside our kitchen window. Love these signs of spring.

If you would like to participate in Random 5 on Friday head on over to Miranda's blog, The Pebble Pond.


  1. I am waiting for my first robin siteing--not yet unfortunately. When I see a Robin I know it is Spring and the weather will start to warm up. It has been a cold winter-I am more then ready for Spring. I can't say I blame your girls from wanting to go to the playground--they must have been so happy you let them play OUTSIDE for just a little while.

  2. I'm glad it was warm enough to get outside for a little bit. I've lived in cold places before, and now that I've moved I sometimes forget the joy of the first "warm enough" days.

  3. It is slowly trying to warm up here. I am so ready for the heat!! Looks like the kids enjoyed the day!

  4. I haven't seen the fruit game, I'm going to have to look for it. :)

  5. Don't you just love the weather change!? We had a park day last week. Love it!

    Thanks for linking up! :)


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