Monday, July 30, 2012

Sunday Photo Round-up: July 29, 2012

A day late, but here is my photo round up for this week. 

Paint, Green, Eyelashes, Shapes and Clouds


This house may need a bit of a "paint" job.

One view of our church, from across the street in the parking lot. I was loving all the green in the fields and the hills beyond. Then I realized there was this little patch of bushes next to the path that formed a partial frame for the church with its green roof.

We had taken a walk around town and Tabitha had fallen asleep curled up in the stroller. I saw the perfect opportunity to capture her long eyelashes. 

I loved all the triangles on the roof of this house in town.


These aren't the clouds that brought us the storms last Thursday, those clouds came in so suddenly we weren't ready for them. (Besides the fact that I didn't have my mind on taking Scavenger Hunt photos on Thursday.) This is how the sky looked when we decided to risk a walk around town on Saturday afternoon for an opportunity to get out of the house.

Now onto 
July Photo a Day

Day 22: Upside Down

Tabitha loves to be upside down on the couch.

 Day 23: Mirror
Looking out our rear view mirror as we went around town Saturday afternoon to see how clean up was going after the Thursday storms.

Day 24: A Stranger
We don't know this person, but he was one of the men on the crew helping to restore our power. Hubby stopped by and thanked them for all their hard work.

Day 25: Heart

Day 26: Sunshine
There hasn't been an awful lot of sunshine since the storm on Thursday. 

Day 27: On the Road
The stroller on the road as we walk around town.

Day 28: Cup
Poor hubby had to go over to the store to satisfy his coffee craving (addiction) after he finished all the coffee in the pot at home by warming it up on the stove. Thankfully they had a generator.

 And linking up my favorite photo:

(Loving the frowny/pouty/extreme concentration expression as he looks down while we are taking our above mentioned walk.)


Happily Mother After

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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