Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mommy and Me Monday July 10

Yes, I am a day late, and I haven't linked up in ages, but I had a couple of pictures of me with the baby and thought I would share. I was so glad to see that Mommy and Me Monday is still going strong.

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?

Baby Harold is not fond of tummy time, but did seem to like it better with the Mombo. Though he does keep sliding down.


  1. He is so cute :) - I've never heard of tummy time; But I hope it gets better.

  2. My little one never really liked tummy time either! Now he sleeps on his stomach!

  3. What a CUTIE! My son absolutely loves tummy time - unfortunately he stopped liking the Boppy a couple months of ago. I've been trying to use it with him to help him sit up but he would much prefer his Bumbo.

  4. My son wasn't a tummy time fan either, even with Boppys. My advice would be not to push him. If he doesn't like it, oh well. He'll get where he needs to be. My son was walking by 10 months, and hit all of his mobility milestones early - even with the hatred of tummy time in the beginning. :)

  5. Such a cutie! I just saw this Mombo the other day and was impressed by it. Thanks for sharing! :-D

  6. Awww!! All my girls were stomach sleepers {I spent a TON of time freaking out about SIDS} so tummy time was never an issue! It's so neat that you have the Mombo!

  7. That little boy of yours is so adorable!


  8. Aww! How cute!! I use to love taking pics of my girls during tummy time!

  9. Cute photos! Your son is adorable. :-)

  10. So glad you are back again! My little girl doesn't like tummy time, either, yet she keeps rolling on her tummy!


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