Friday, April 20, 2012

Free Sign Ups for Bright Starts Ultimate Baby Shower Event

Bright Starts, Mom to Bed by 8 and Iowa-Mom is excited to present the Baby Shower Event from May 7th to May 28th. This is a free blogger event and accepting signups now.
Join the Bright Starts Ultimate Baby Shower Giveaway event today, grow your readership and offer one amazing baby shower gifts giveaway!

Prize: Bright Starts Sunnyside Safari Collection including the Chair Top High Chair, Plug in Sway & Swing, Portable Swing, Playard, and Saucer!

What is required to join?
  • Post about the event with the button above linking back to this post. Easy copy paste text below along with the button.

  • If you do not wish to post the announcement, send the $5 via paypal to with your email address and Baby Shower April Event in subject line or notes portion of the form.
  • Once you have posted your announcement or sent the paypal payment, fill out this form with your information!
  • You will receive an email from me with 72 hours, confirming your participation. If you do not, please email me at and I will check into it for you.
  • Then on or around May 4th you will receive another email from me with the html code for publishing the giveaway. Note it is required that you publish the giveaway html in full to be included in this event. I will verify links on May 7th around 10am central and if you have not done so, your link on the rafflecopter will be removed. This keeps this event fair for all who joins.

Please mention that Tots and Me referred you on the form. Thank you


  1. Sounds great!
    Stopping by from the UBP to say hello.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks for hosting! Your newest follower-Kim


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