Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tiny Talk Tuesday: January 3, 2012

I just have a couple of cute little comments this week.

We finally got some snow the other day. Tabitha siad, "It's raining snowflakes."

Tabitha came into the room showing me a dime and telling me it was the smallest coin so it was a dime. I told her she was learning a lot from the DVD (Money and Making change)She said, "I love that movie that way we can learn."

And Hannah has a new word. "mine." Or more often than not, "mine, mine, mine"


  1. Happy New Year! Stopping by from the Alexa Blog hop!

  2. Look for the book Snowflake Bently for your kids great book on the man who photographs snowflakes:) thanks for linking up to the NOBH

  3. They do learn "Mine" rather quickly :) Love these! Happy TTT and sorry for the confusion last week. I have just been so overwhelmed.


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