Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Give a Hoot Wednesday Blog Hop- January 4, 2012

This is a great opportunity to discover some great blogs & to promote your blog as well!
Hosted by: Life According to Damaris ;; Co-Hosted by: Miss DebMonster MomTots and Me & Adventures of the Mommy Homemaker
For those that are new to Blog Hopping – you simply just add your link to the list. Readers will be given a chance to add their link too & “hop” from one blog to the next on the list. You do the same – adding whoever you like on the way. If someone adds you, please make an effort to add them back.
1. Add your Blog title and URL.
2. Follow your hostesses – that would be me: Life According to Damaris & Co-Hosts: Miss DebMonster Mom, Tots and Me & Adventures of the Mommy Homemaker.
3. Follow any blogs you wish.
4. Leave a comment so I can follow you back. I’m not one of those bloggers who just say that, I will follow you back. I’ve learned if you go to the actual blog that you followed & leave a comment there, you’re more than likely to be noticed & get a follow back. Let them know you’re there via Give a Hoot Wednesday Blog Hop! :)
5. Grab our Give a Hoot Wednesday Blog Hop button if you’d like. This isn’t mandatory but it’d be great if you did – that way more people know about the Blog Hop.
If you’d like to be a featured blog, just send me an e-mail. And if you want to go ahead & spread the word of the Blog Hop, go ahead – I’ll leave the button info below!


  1. Thank you for the blog hop! I also tagged you in a blog post. Please check my blog for more details. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for hosting the blog hop!


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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