Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Giveaway Opportunity at Green Mam-a Jam-a: "Do-it-Myself" Kids Apron from Kidsstore Etsy Shop


MooMoo's 3rd Birthday Bash is heading toward it's ending. I can't believe I have neglected getting these posts up. You still have a chance to head on over to enter these giveaways. 

Here is another great Etsy Shop Giveaway that is being hosted by Green Mam-a Jam-a. Kidsstore Etsy Shop  has "Practical Things 4 tots 2 Tweens." The featured item in this giveaway is a "Do-It-Myself" Apron. 

Cupcakes Galore Do It Myself child apron personalized chef style
It has an elastic waist band and velcro neck tie, among other great features. Head on over to Green Mam-a Jam-a to check out her review. While you are there you should really check out all the other great items that are sold in this store. Bibs, both long, and short sleeve, toy organizers and crayon roll ups, sheets. Just so many great looking items. 

Giveaway ends in a couple of hours, so sorry. Hurry over for your chance to win. 

Tuesday's Giveaway Link Up- January 31, 2012

Tuesday's Giveaway Linkup
Welcome to Tuesday's Giveaway Link Up with your hosts Aimee @ Classified: Mom & Karen @ Tots and Me & Alicia @ McCrenshaw's Newest Thoughts!

This link up will be posted Monday at 7 PM est. and run all week long! Make sure you stop in as often as you can to list your latest giveaways.

Here is how to use the Giveaway Link Up

1. Post your reviews and/or giveaways, as many as you have, be sure to add the end date (family friendly please)

2. Help spread the word about the giveaway link up by grabbing our button, Tweeting or posting on Facebook. (Not mandatory- but it helps get more exposure to your giveaways as well!)

3. Take a moment to enter any giveaway that strikes an interest to you!

If you would  like to follow the three hostesses, we will gladly follow you back! Simply leave us a message to do so.

Thank you for linking up with  Aimee @ Classified: Mom & Karen @ Tots and Me & Alicia @  McCrenshaw's Newest Thoughts! 

My Current Giveaways!

Giveaway Opportunity at Green Mam-a Jam-a: $15 GC for The Strawberry Hill Etsy Shop


MooMoo's 3rd Birthday Bash is heading toward it's ending. I can't believe I have neglected getting these posts up. You still have a chance to head on over to enter these giveaways. 

Do you have a little girl who likes to wear headbands or hairclips? What about neat leg warmers? If you head over to Green Mam-a Jam-a you can check out her giveaway for a $15 Gift card for The Strawberry Hill Etsy Shop. There you can find said headbands, clips, leg warmers, even necklaces, gloves and bracelets. 

The Blues Lace Headband - Turquoise, Blue and Navy with Pearl and Lace, fits Infant and Toddler VALENTINE's Day Leg Warmers - Monkey Lovin' in Pinks for Girls, Teens, Crawlers

Giveaway ends in a couple of hours, so sorry. Hurry over for your chance to win. 

Giveaway Opportunity at Green Mam-a Jam-a: Giddy Dip'ems


MooMoo's 3rd Birthday Bash is heading toward it's ending. I can't believe I have neglected getting these posts up. You still have a chance to head on over to enter these giveaways. 

Do you like to serve your children healthy snacks? Head on over and check out Green Mam-a Jam-a's giveaway for Giddy Dip'ems. 
They are healthy and made with whole grain and they are all natural. 

Giveaway ends in a couple of hours, so sorry. Hurry over for your chance to win. 

Wordless Wednesday: February 1, 2012 (w/linky) Happy Birthday Tabitha!

Happy 5th Birthday Tabitha!
Wow, how you have grown.



Happy 1st Birthday


Picnic Pizza Party 3 yrs old


Happy 4th Birthday

5 yrs old
She wrote that herself, so I had to get a shot with her by it.

Chuck E. Cheese!!

Tots and Me

What ARE my girls up to?

I haven't been very motivated lately when it comes to our homeschooling, you might have noticed this. I remember feeling the same way in the last trimester before Hannah was born, but we seemed to get more done back then. I still have more I want to do with our Pizza theme. Of course I really should be getting my Valentine's Day activities done too.  Arrrrgggg.
Today I wanted to share what Hannah has been up to, and a little of what the older two have been doing, besides wrecking the playroom.
Hannah loves to read books.

And if the TV is on, you will most likely find her in front of it on her knees, sitting Indian style or like this:

She is enjoying playing with her Goosie Cards (review and giveaway coming soon)

Last week I got out our Pizza activity that I made a while ago. I drew a pizza onto a piece of poster board and left places to put the toppings for a one to one activity. We have some great magnets I found a while back.  Hannah wanted to use it the one day, so I let her.

Even without showing her what to do, she was placing the magnets into the circles. I think it is time for some puzzles!!

She loves her sisters' computers. She has one of her own, but it needs batteries. In the pictures here, she wanted to read, but she didn't want to leave the computer either.

Tabitha and Amelia have been putting on shows, they love to use their microphone, especially after they recently started watching Sid the Science Kid. If you haven't watched this show, Sid uses his microphone to share things and the girls have really upped the use of their microphone.

One day, Hannah picked up the microphone and decided to put on her own show.

Amelia was building with blocks one day and created these buildings.

Tabitha wanted to make some too, so Amelia showed her how.

Hannah just loves building towers.

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