Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fun Times With Friends, Winnie the Pooh and Oral-B

I had the great opportunity of hosting a MommyParties Winnie the Pooh/Oral-B party this past week. I was sent the new Winnie the Pooh movie, awesome Oral-B Stages toothbrushes and toothpaste, popcorn and some other great products to make this a great experience.

I packed the gift bags and the children got their blankets and pillows ready to go.

All ready to go to playgroup (We decided to have the party at Play group because all the other families live in that town.)

I arrived earlier than usual so I could have time to set up.

The other reason I thought it would be cool to have it at Play Group is because they have a projector and movie screen (we have play group in the basement of the church that my friend's hubby pastors.)

My girls and my friend's children colored the coloring pages I printed off that morning while waiting for everyone else to arrive.

Of course the really little one preferred the balloons.

and sharing with her brother who didn't want to color.

Unfortunately, no one else showed up. (Which really upset me at the time because we had postponed it until this week because last week it looked like no one could come. Ironically two of the girls showed up last week but weren't able to be present this week, so I would have had more last week. And I couldn't postpone it another week, as I had a deadline to have the party). Oh, well, between us my friend and I have 7 children and they had a great time. Can you believe we got a shot of them all looking?

We had popcorn with the movie.

Except for the baby and occasionally Hannah, they were all riveted to the screen.  

Then, at the halfway point, we had intermission. The children colored some more while I finished setting out lunch. 

They had
Rabbits Carrots and Garden Ranch Dip (with some Winnie the Pooh cookie friends)
Hundred Acre Wood Broccoli and dip
Tiggerific Smiles (apple slices with pb and marshmallows) I found idea on a different blog, though the name is my own.
Gloomy Eeyore Muffins (English muffins with peanut butter and honey) I figured they looked enough like dark clouds.
Honey Bear Pots (Honeycomb and Teddy Grahams)

They finished watching the rest of the movie while they ate. They really seemed to enjoy this movie. As did I. I felt it was very true to the original spirit of the original movie. Unfortunately the tune to the song had changed a bit, but other than that it had the same song I have grown to know and love.
After the movie ended they had their dessert at the table.

This was one of the snacks suggested in my packet.

They had fun with the balloons and we played the flash card game that I was sent. They answered questions about dental care, Winnie the Pooh and healthy food.

As we had waited for half an hour for our friends to arrive we were running quite late, so I just handed out their gift bags for them to open at home. I talked to my friend later and she said they really enjoyed their new Oral B Stages toothpaste. They also received Oral-B Stages toothbrushes and baby wash (along with some coupons for the parents to enjoy).

In fact, on the way home my girls were showing each other their toothpaste. As soon as we stepped in the door they headed for the bathroom and brushed their teeth. They love their Fruit Burst Toy Story and their Bubblegum Princess toothpaste and their new Winnie the Pooh stages brushes, thanks to Oral-B. 

I am so thankful MommyParties selected me to host a party. It was great fun!!!


  1. That looks like so much fun! :)

    Congrats on being featured on Follow Us Monday Morning - nice to 'meet' you...I'm your newest follower! :)

    Happy Birthday, Mikey! Here’s a Box of Rocks in this Winter Wonderland because Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Who? Santa Baby!

  2. Such a great idea for a party! And it looks like a great time was had by all. Thanks for sharing on NOBH. Smiles -


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