Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: April 9, 2014 (w/linky)- On the Road

We went on a bit of a vacation these last few days. We left right after church and just arrived home early early early this morning. Next week I will be sharing pictures from where we went, but for this week, here are some fun pictures from "On the Road."

Headed out. No, Tabitha does not like having her picture taken lately.

Oh, there she is.

No, this doesn't have anything to do with the trip, except for the fact that I was eating chips with lunch and had to snap a picture to share with the children.

Since when are rest stops called "text stops?"

Yes, there was still ice on Lake Erie.

Stopping for dinner.


And some from the hotel.

He made himself right at home!

We were in a suite so we could have room for everyone. The couch folded out to a bed. We were supposed to have a travel crib waiting for us, but I guess we arrived too late. So we pretended Harold was going to sleep in the laundry basket.

Yes, there was even a kitchen. We figured we could keep costs down by cooking up some of our own food.

As you can see, Harold didn't really sleep in the laundry basket. Hannah and Harold did keep each other a wake for a while though.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. I love short trips and especially when you have a nice hotel that provides home comforts. We actually took a trunk of food when we went to Hawaii to prepare meals for 8 of us. Look forward to seeing your trip pictures. have a great night.

  2. Looks like you had fun on your trip.


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