Saturday, April 5, 2014

Five on Friday (Oops I Mean Saturday): April 5, 2014

The Pebble Pond

There are funny things or cute things that will happen during the week that I would like to share, but they don't really make a post on their own. So, this is the perfect opportunity to share them.

1. Harold was so excited to have a new toy to play with in the church nursery last weekend. This Mega Bloks piano actually plays music and will record and play back what the child (or mommy) plays. He was doing a good job matching the colors too.

2. The girls have been enjoying being able to explore outside again with the nicer weather. They found some moss they wanted to examine. They pulled out the magnifying glass and then I had them note what they observed in their notebooks.

 3. Amelia decided it was her baby's birthday and then they decided the baby Hannah is holding was its twin so she joined in the celebration. She fed her some jarred baby food and then they made a cake out of Legos and we sang happy birthday. The books are the plates they were serving the cake on. By the way, do those babies look like they are 3 years old, because that is how old they supposedly are?

4. Tabitha must have more English blood in her than I do, not sure how though. Hubby and I are content to drink our tea in mugs, she must have hers in a proper tea cup. Isn't she lucky I have some in the house as I am not a huge tea drinker. My mummy (mommy) would be so proud.

5. The children have been having a blast going to story hour every week. Last week they made these cool pipe cleaner flowers. Then Tabitha got home and decided to make some more. She wanted a bouquet for daddy.

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