Saturday, April 26, 2014

Five on Friday (Oops I Mean Saturday): April 26, 2014

The Pebble Pond

Oops, missed a couple of weeks. Trying to get back on schedule.

There are funny things or cute things that will happen during the week that I would like to share, but they don't really make a post on their own. So, this is the perfect opportunity to share them.

1. We have officially finished our My Father's World Kindergarten Curriculum and have started 1st grade work. I packed the K materials away to await being used by Hannah and Harold in a year and a half.

2. Wednesday was also our last co-op meeting for this school year. We helped out at the camp where we meet, cleaning leaves, weeds and pinecones to make the camp look nice. 

 3. The last day of co-op is also memorable because we have a potluck lunch. While we were waiting for the food to be ready, hubby was taking some kids on a ride on the chair carrier.

4. For some reason the hubby thought I needed a foil hat that day. Of course, he insisted on taking pictures.

5. The children are still having a blast going to story hour every week. Today they made coffee filter/pipe cleaner butterflies.

1 comment:

  1. what a lovely day...filled with fun activities...really like to know what's in the My Father's world curriculum...have a fab week..


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