Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Homeschool Mother's Journal Week: April 26, 2014

Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-Up

In my life this week…
Well, it has been warmer so we have been going out to the park more. The other evening we were over there as it was getting dark and I couldn't believe the mosquitoes that were out already. I got one nasty bite that actually seems to have blistered up. Sure makes me want to stay in and away from the bugs. 

We also got new internet the other day. I am a bit nervous about our internet going out more as we have heard rumors, but it made no sense to keep paying for a phone we didn't use just so we could have the internet. 

In our homeschool this week…
As I mentioned a couple of times this week, we have started our 1st grade curriculum with My Father's World. The plan is to have lesson time 4 times a week and Exploration Day once a week as recommended in the Teacher Manual. This week we only had 3 days of school though as we had a cleaning day on Thursday. I was hoping to get through the first two review weeks in 1 week, but that got all messed up. Now the goal is to finish the first 3 weeks in two weeks and then we will see where we will go from there. The plan is to school through the end of June, take July and the beginning of August off because of VBS, camp and Summer Reading programs and start back in with our curriculum mid to late August.

Our My Father's World unit:

This week we did some of Week 1 and some of Week 2. There really aren't specific units with MFW 1st grade. So, we will just be calling it Week 1, Week 2, etc.

We started our week discussing the meaning of history. We will we studying Biblical history and also proverbs this year. 

All the children made little scrolls with Genesis 1:1 printed on them.

The older girls are also working on Alphabet Scroll Sheets.

Tabitha is writing each letter in both print and cursive plus writing the word for the picture.

Amelia is just writing the letters twice in print, both upper and lower case, plus the word.

We also have a Number of the Day. I write the number on a piece of paper, have them go get the correct amount of objects, and then they each get a penny for their coin cup and a bean for their bean cup. More on what we will be doing with those next week. We are also making a Number book. Each day they have a sheet of paper where they write the number and draw that many objects on the other side. I have been having them draw something that goes with our lesson, such as an ant, two fish and 3 ladybugs. For now those have been going along with our devotional story (which sort of goes along with our science topic), as have our snacks.

We made ant hills on Tuesday. These went along with both our Monday devotional and our Science lesson. Our other art projects went along with Poppins Book Nook (which will be posting tomorrow, the theme was Planes, Trains and Automobiles) and our American History curriculum we are reviewing for the Schoolhouse Review Crew (more on that below).

For math the older girls have been working on patterns, both in the Complete Book of Math that comes with the MFW curriculum and with Unifix cubes.

I made patterns for them, and then they made patterns for each other to complete.

For science we are reading the Usborne Explainers book "Finding Out About Things Outdoors." This week's lesson was "Close to the Ground." We didn't get a chance to go outside and do our Worm Watching activity, but we will be doing that next week at the same time we do next week's activity. 

Amelia is also working on phonics in the Student book. Right now we are reviewing the letters and working on blending sounds, which she can do, but I figured a bit of review won't hurt. Tabitha on the other hand is beyond the student book and is using Logic of English Essentials. 

Review Learning:

I just posted my review of CTC Math and we will continue to be using this great online math tutoring program for supplemental math.

We are studying early American History with Golden Prairie Press's Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History. We made Teepees for our Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen and also made some Viking Ships.

We have also been doing some map work.

We are also reviewing a Progeny Press study guide for Frog and Toad Together. The girls have been taking turns reading and then we answer the questions and do the activities.

We are also reviewing This is not a Schoolhouse Review Crew review. I was contacted by the company which was quite exciting. I don't get a lot of companies actually reaching out to me. I can't wait to share my review. Psst, let me let you in on a little secret, I have been given the opportunity to give away a 1 year subscription. So, keep your eyes pealed for that review and giveaway coming up soon!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
We have been allowing the children to play most of the morning and then have a short lesson time that includes Harold and Hannah. The remainder of our lessons are done after lunch. As of yet I am not sure this is going to work because Tabitha has been getting too tired. I am thinking morning might be better after all. 

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This was our last week for co-op for this school year. Every year we do a service project at the camp and help clean the grounds. This year the K-3 group cleaned up leaves, weeds and pinecones. I really wish it hadn't been so wet and cold though. After the clean up is done, we have a potluck meal, yum yum. 

My favorite thing this week was…
Has to be starting 1st grade finally. We have been doing Kindergarten for the last year and a half as we were taking it slowly. It is nice to have a change. Though I am still not exactly sure what I am doing with the two younger children. They are doing some of the projects with us, as I noted above, but I need to figure out a preschool type curriculum for them.

My kiddos favorite thing this week was…
Amelia has really been enjoying CTC Math.
Hannah loves
I can't ask Tabitha right now as she fell asleep.

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  1. My daughter loves abc mouse. Looks like you are doing some fun and interesting things. It's been raining and colder out lately. My daughter would probably love the worm activity. My kids enjoy CTC Math as well. We are doing our planting activity from the Frog and Toad book tomorrow. I had to get the seeds yesterday.

  2. I loved reading this! I'm almost convinced to use MFW 1st for my middle guy when he's ready bc you've made just the first weeks look so fun :)

    Your fish sandwiches are darling!


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