Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tot School with Little Harold

I have never really tried to separate the children when it came to writing posts for our school time before. But I thought it might be time to do that now. I have been posting Tabitha and Amelia together since the beginning and they are still working on the same things, with Tabitha being advanced in some things like reading and math. Hannah is sort of tagging along and Harold does what he can when he can. Mostly, he spends his time trying to drag our school stuff off the shelves.

I wanted to share the activities he has been doing since the beginning of our school year. I am hoping to start doing some more structured activities with him now that he is getting older. I have to keep reminding myself that Amelia was joining right in with Tabitha at his age (19 mths) and even younger, so I know he is capable of more.

Of course, the first day of school (Aug 19) he helped me color the "It's Time For School" banner.

And he got his first day of school picture taken just like his sisters.

He even sits at the table with us for "Gathering Time." If I forget to bring the rocking chair in from the living room, we are guaranteed to see him pushing it in. 

He loves "writing" on the easel.

One of his favorite table activities is putting pom poms in a container.

He also enjoys playing with the Mega Bloks.

I also let him play with straws, putting them in the lid of the container or in a cardboard tube. my pocket.

I also print out a coloring sheet for him with our pictures for the letter of the week. He sort of colors it, but his favorite thing to do is glue. 

All I did was give him the colorful scraps from Hannah's cutting and he had a blast.

We have been focusing on farm animals with our last 2 units and will be for the next one as well (G:Goat, C:Cow and H:Horse), so we thought it was time to let him play with his shape sorter barn that we were supposed to give him for his birthday. When we forgot to give it to him, I was going to hold it for Christmas, but this seemed like the perfect time.

 He also likes to take his turn putting calendar and letter cards on the morning poster. The one day, after we were into the lesson, I let him keep himself busy by putting random cards on.

The other day I gave him a C to color.

And then I had him make a cookie like Hannah made.

I will share what the girls have been doing shortly (if I have a chance to get to it). I am linking to:

Tot School

Classified: Mom

The Weekly Kid's Co-op

Crafty Kids Link Up
Preschool Powol Packets


  1. awwwwwwwww - how cute! :D

  2. he is so cute, I cannot believe how big he has gotten!

  3. So fun - I am so impressed by you and other moms who homeschool! It must take so much discipline and organization!

  4. love how eager they are at that age! I loved that age! Great ideas for including him.

  5. You are never too young or old to learn!! :)

  6. What a cutie pie!! I think he is definitely ready for some fun "tot school" activities! Those are great activities for him to develop his developmental skills.

  7. He is so cute! Love all the learning!

  8. Wow. I am crazy impressed! I take my lo to a preschool program and we do a little at home but nothing like this. Amazing.


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