Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Muffin Tin Meal: C is for...

Well, it doesn't seem like there is anywhere to link up my muffin tin meals right now, but I will still continue to post them.

Last week I shared our first muffin tin for the letter C

This week I made a simple C is for... muffin tin. The one problem with doing a unit for 2 weeks is not always being able to come up with another cool muffin tin. 

They had C shaped peanut butter and apple butter sandwiches, C shaped mozzarella cheese, candy corn, craisins, corned beef hash, corn and cucumbers. 

I even made Harold's sandwich in the shape of a C. I am usually very cautious with him because he tends to stick to much in his mouth and tries to choke. He did pretty good with this.

I also found some Cracker Jacks for dessert.


  1. That is a super great idea. I am always trying new things to keep my kids happy and healthy fed. Thanks for sharing!


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