Thursday, September 19, 2013

Baby Necessities Giveaway

Baby Necessities Giveaway Sep 18 - Oct 2, 2013 Open to US

Do you have a baby on the way? Perhaps you are invited to a baby shower in the near future and would love a great gift to bring with you. There are so many things a new mom needs and wants for their baby, such a special time. Introducing the Baby Necessities Giveaway.

When it comes to a baby, especially when it's your first one, a mom needs to prepare so many baby necessities! It seems that the list would never end. And we source the items we'd need from our friends, family, online conversations and sharing. We just need to know what we really cannot live without when it comes to welcoming a first baby into our lives.

Bringing You Moments To Celebrate
baby necessities new mommy products

I am thrilled to be able to bring you this giveaway sponsored by Celebrate Woman Today.
This care package would be our contribution to the baby necessities pool that you may not have yet. Some Britax Car Shades and stroller grip handle, Butt Paste for your baby's bum to be in a perfect pink spot at all times, and some cool toys and even good medicine to keep her or him comfortable when fever attacks. It's not all you need. But these are the baby products that have been proven to work for several generations of mothers. That is why these baby necessities have made it to this prize basket! Once you've entered your chances to win this gift basket with baby necessities, head over to the NEW Mommy Prize Pack to enter there as well.
Prize – Baby Necessities Care Package
a Rafflecopter giveaway Announcement-4


  1. Books are so important! My daughter loves to read books!

  2. This giveaway is awesome! I would love to win. I can't pick one thing that is most important... I'd say toys next to diapers...


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