Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: June 26, 2013 (w/linky)- Summer Reading Program Has Begun

The theme this year is: Dig into Reading.

They start by checking in and spinning the wheel to see how many books to get.

This year Tabitha is participating as a reader, so she gets to choose a packet of books, either from the "Gold Mine" or the "Ant Hill."

This was one of the ants on the wall in the hallways.

Then we check out the books and spin for a prize. They either choose from the Big Box or the Little Box.
(Personally, I think the prizes in the little box are cuter.)

And poor Harold just got to sit there.

(Just to let you know, I am hosting a small Birthday Fun Celebration in honor of Amelia's birthday last week. There will be two winners. I invite you to stop by to enter. Just click here.)

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. That looks like a lot of fun! I loved the summer reading programs as a kid.

  2. My oldest loves to read. The younger one is just starting to read.

    I love that colored wheel they got to spin. At first I thought it was a color theory thing they were doing before I read about it.

  3. We're doing the Summer reading program at our library too! So much fun, isn't it?!

  4. I love the bulletin board. Looks like they'll be having a great time reading this summer.

  5. Hang in there, Harold! Your day is coming.

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

  6. We absolutely LOVE doing the Summer Reading program here, we've been doing it TEN years now!! (I even wrote a post about it too!)

    but here's my WW: http://www.homeofohm.com/2013/06/wordlesswednesday-kitty-paw-w-linky.html

  7. I love that they're making reading so fun so kids will be interested! And poor Harold - but it'll be his turn soon enough. ;)

    Snaggletooth Ginger Kitty

  8. love summer reading programs. Looks like they get a big assortment too. Happy Reading. Happy WW http://homemom3.com/wordless-wednesda

  9. I miss summer reading club like crazy! My kids are teens now. Last year was the last summer my daughter could participate in the teen one...she's now officially an adult :( My son could be in it but since the prize goes to the one who has read the most, he's like forget it! Your library looks awesome!

  10. Can I spend the summer reading?? ;) Looks like a great program!


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