Saturday, June 8, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: June 9, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
First, let's get going with this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Dishes, Favorite Color, Sunflare, Expression and Sticky

This is how many dishes we need when our friend comes over to our house for dinner. The adults used the big plates, the older children used the bowls and the little children used the plastic plates. 

Obviously I went to my archives for this photo (snow on the ground, bare trees). I loved this photo when I took it and knew it would be the one I was going to use for this prompt when we haven't had enough sun to say boo this week. Well, we didn't have much sun after I looked at the prompts. 

Harold doesn't really have a lot of experience with mirrors, especially huge mirrors almost as big as the wall. I loved the expressions on his face as he played with his reflection in the mirror. Such a sense of wonder. 

When I saw little Miss Hannah's sticky face while eating her popsicle, I knew I had to quick snap a shot for this prompt. The "cheese" she gave me was adorable!

Now onto
June Photo a Day

Day 1: B is for...

Barbie Blanket that was given to Hannah at birth at the hospital. It has become her "blanky" that she carries with her.

Day 2: a moment

A moment  (or two) of fun at K-Mart while daddy returned a fan that was missing a part. 

Day 3: On my table

A nice jar of caterpillars that came just as we were starting our lesson on the butterfly life cycle. 

Day 4: After dark
A view of our house as it was getting dark outside and the kitchen lights were turned on. 

Day 5: Environment
It seems some Rollie-Pollies and snails enjoy the dark environment at the edge of our house that is by the steps and under the rug.

Day 6: Transport
The van that was going to transport us home after hubby found what we needed in the grocery store. 

Day 7: Bright
Sharing one from my archives that I came across when I was searching for the Sun Flare shot. The sun was just so bright and I loved the reflection in the pond.

I didn't take this picture this week. I believe it was taken last month for "light" and I never shared it. I loved that I got some little rainbows in the beams. 

Day 8: An animal
Technically, I took these pictures a few weeks ago, but it is the only picture I have of an animal. I just don't see very many animals when I am stuck inside due to rainy weather. Today was better, but I didn't want to chance a walk when we headed to the library. 

And I'm continuing on with
(even though I am a little behind and playing catch up)
ABC Friday

ABC Friday gives you a chance to share a random photo with a challenge!
Each week is a new letter theme, starting with A of course, we will work our way through the alphabet.
All you have to do is post a picture with the letter theme for that week…. A is for Auto, B is for Beach, C is for Cake….I think you get it.
This is not Wordless Wednesday, feel free to share in words what the photo is all about! or not, it’s up to you!
T is for Tabitha in a Tree,

Tired Tabitha,

and Three sisters

U is for Unhappy Boy

V is for Vase I was given for Mother's Day by my oldest son.
With flowers

and without flowers.


  1. Great shots through and through! Harold's expressions are too cute!

  2. The expression shot of Harold in the mirror and the sticky shot of Hannah are my favorites.

  3. Oh, expression and sticky are wonderful captures!
    I haven't thought of Rollie-pollies for years. :)

    Thanks for your visit and lovely comments.

  4. Love the shot of your three little sisters, and the rocks in your Mother's Day vase look quite nice. I imagine your son had fun picking them out for you.

  5. Ohhhhh, those Unhappy boy photos are too cute! Love the pouty lip!


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