Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Getting Ready For Valentines Day: Heart People

We haven't done much yet to get ready for Valentine's Day which is shockingly in just 2 days. This year I decided we would make our heart people again as they fit in so well with the MFW unit we are currently on. We are discussing how God made us wonderful, which are our Words to Remember for the Uu: Us Unit. We have been discussing our 5 senses and talking about our body parts (which also fit in well with making Mat Man with Handwriting Without Tears, stay tuned for a review of this great handwriting curriculum later this month).
As we were already building people I thought the girls could each build a Heart Person to help decorate. We made them quite similar to the ones we made 2 years ago. You can see them here.

Here are this year's Heart People.

I traced a big heart and a medium size heart onto the paper in the color of their choice. Tabitha and Amelia cut out their own, while I cut Hannah's for her. Then I cut out a bunch of little hearts for them to choose from for eyes, noses, hands and feet. I used my paper cutter to cut 1 inch strips for the arms and legs (once again in the girls' choice of color). After the girls glued on their eyes and noses they used a pencil to draw a mouth on. Then they glued everything together.

I love simple yet cute crafts, don't you?

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