Friday, February 1, 2013

Cupcake Craze Giveaway

In Celebration of Tabitha's 6th Birthday I am thrilled to bring you the Cupcake Craze Giveaway!

CupCakeCrazeGiveaway_zps37d5b2b3-1_zps53b4321e photo CupCakeCrazeGiveaway_zps37d5b2b3-1_zps53b4321e-1_zpsd37849e0.jpg

The winner of the giveaway will win all 3 of these cute cupcake related prizes!

Cupcake Race Game from Endless Games
Cupcake Clutch from OrbFactory
Baker's Hat, Baker's Apron and Set of 6 Silicone Baking Cups from For Small Hands

Here is a quick look at all of these great prizes:

Cheater Game

Cupcake Race is a fun game for children 4 and up. Players actually race to put together their cupcakes (frosting, sprinkles and all) before they get to the party. You can check out Tots and Me's full review here.

The Orb Factory's Stick 'N Style Cupcake Clutch is a fun hands on activity for your child 5 and up. Your child can follow the legend to stick sprinkles all over the clutch, creating a sparkling accessory. You can check out the review of this award winning product here.

Baker's HatBaker's Apron

Silicone Baking Cups

For Small Hands generously offered to give the winner of this giveaway all three items pictured above. I don't know if your children enjoy helping out in the kitchen as much as mine do, but if they are wearing these child sized baker's clothes I bet they would be willing to give it a whirl. With the hat and the apron on children are ready to whip up some yummy cupcakes in the silicone baking cups. Don't be surprised if your children are begging to help in the kitchen. In addition, the baking cups can be used to separate food items when preparing Bento-style boxes.
You can check out the review of these baking accessories here.

1 Lucky Winner will win all of the above prizes.
You may enter on the Rafflecopter below from February 1st through 16th.
Don't forget to come back each day for your daily entries to increase your odds of winning.
(There are only 3 simple mandatory entries. All other entries are optional, though completing them will again increase your odds of winning.)
Giveaway is open to residents of US only, ages 18+

Please enter in the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: I received the Cupcake Race, Cupcake Clutch and For Small Hands baking accessories for free in order to review them. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be good products for my readers. Tots and Me is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment.


  1. I would give this to my 4 year old granddaughter.

  2. My niece! Wish my girls were little. So so cute

  3. I would give this to my daughters.

  4. I would give this to my 3yo daughter for her birthday.

  5. my 4 littles. 11, 9, 7 yo girls and 5 yo son

  6. i'd give it to my daughter

  7. This would be for my 6 year old daughter and my 5 year old son would love it too.

  8. I have a young sister that just loves being in the kitchen!

  9. I'd give it to my son to use with my nieces!

  10. I would use this prize with my younger stepdaughter who loves to help me bake!

  11. Our girls would love this thank you,

  12. I would give to my niece!

  13. I would give this to my 6 and 3 year old daughters for their birthdays

  14. It would mostly be for my daughter, thanks!

  15. My dauughter also just turned 6, and she loves cupcakes so it would be for her!

  16. My grandchildren would love this!

  17. I would give it to my friend who just got to foster a sister pair (ages 5 &7). They would love to use it for bonding.
    panelajmcbride at yahoo dot com

  18. storycraft products would be great to try

  19. i really like the x-ceter-o game!

  20. My daughter 3rd birthday is in a few weeks. She would be thrilled with this as she is always ready to help in the kitchen!

  21. I would give it to my niece for her 5th bday!

  22. I would give it to my niece for her 5th bday.

  23. orb - Curse of the Treasure Chest

  24. My nieces would love any of these, thanks!

  25. I would give this to my son for his birthday!

  26. I'd use them with my sons. It would be such a blast!

  27. I would use it with my two boys with autism! They love cupcakes!

  28. i would give this to my son and daughter!

    allyson tice


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