Friday, February 1, 2013

For Small Hands Baking Accessories Set Review

Tabitha was thrilled when she received this cute baker's hat and apron from For Small Hands.
(Yes, I know she doesn't look too thrilled. I am not sure if she was tired of me taking pictures or tired of waiting for her friend to do up the Velcro.)

Along with this cute outfit, we have the opportunity to try out this great set of 6 Silicone Baking cups. 

Silicone Baking Cups

Tabitha has enjoyed being able to put on her baker's apron and hat to help out in the kitchen. Somehow this outfit has made cooking with mommy just a little bit more fun. Even Amelia has had a chance to use the hat and apron. I just love it when the girls share so nicely.

Both the Baker's Hat and the Baker's Apron are child sized. The Hat fits children from ages 3-8 and the apron fits children from 3-5. Tabitha is technically a little old for the apron now, but it fits her well. Both the hat and the apron are very well made and they do up with Velcro so a child can easily put them on themselves and it is easily adjustable. The girls love to pull them out when we are getting ready to have Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen time or to help with dinner (though Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen occurs more frequently).

We used the Silicone Baking Cups to make cupcakes for Harold's birthday. 

I just love how colorful they are. 

As we only have 6, we had to use both the silicone cups and paper cups.

The bake time is the same as the regular cupcake papers. 

I thought they would look cute as balloons for the cake.

Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the cupcakes needed to be taken out right away to help them pop out cleanly. So, I decided to try it again with corn muffin mix.

They popped right out, though I did still have a bit of an issue with some of the corn muffin sticking to the cup. Not sure if I can do something a little differently or not. We are going to keep experimenting. Either way, the muffins tasted great.

The silicone baking cups can also be used in the microwave and put in the freezer. I can't wait to use them in their muffin tin meals, or try out a Bento style box.

All in all, I think these products are a great way to get kids helping out in the kitchen if they don't already do so. 

You can check out the Baker's Hat, Baker's Apron and Set of 6 Silicone Baking Cups along with many other hard-to-find, child-size Practical Life materials at For Small Hands

You can also find them on Facebook.

If you would like a chance to win all 3 of these great items head on over to my Cupcake Craze Giveaway Post.

Disclosure: I received the Baker's Hat, Baker's Apron and Silicone Baking Cups at no charge as a part of my Cupcake Craze Giveaway. I received no further compensation. This did not in any way influence my review. This review is my honest opinion and I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be a good products for my readers.


  1. She didn't look real happy in the pic but as cute as can be. Girls love helping Mommy in the kitchen and how cute to be prepared like this. Love those silicone baking cups

  2. HA! This is perfect. My daughter needs it!

  3. We already have fun baking together but this would put a grin on her face even more. The hat and apron are adorable and the cupcake baking cups would be nice to try.

  4. My oldest 3 kids love to be in the kichen when I am cooking so they would love this

  5. Yes, my 12 year old niece would love this, she's just starting to help make meals :)

  6. I like that they can actually use their own utensils to bake with.

  7. I LOVE the picture. The two little boy's expressions are too cute. Both of the girls are so SERIOUS! I guess baking is serious stuff! =)

  8. Cute! My daughter loves helping me in the kitchen, she would love this.

  9. This is adorable--my daughter would love it!

  10. my 4 year old daughter would love to spend some time actually helping to cook, she plays alot with her play kitchen but needs more time in the real one!

  11. 2 1/2 yr. old granddaughter loves to help in the kitchen. This would really make her smile more than she already does..

  12. My granddaughter loves to cook and bake in her Fisher price kitchen so I know she will lobe this!!

  13. My children love to play dress up. I normally go after Halloween and pick up any occupation or Disney character costumes at greatly reduced prices. I have not actually used any of the silicone baking products myself, but I have heard rave reviews about them. Thank you for your review.

  14. i would love for my daughter to start helping me out in the kitchen. she would look so cute in this!

  15. My granddaughter loves to help me bake cookies, cupcakes, cakes and pies. She says the best part is being Grandma's Official Taste Tester. She would so cute in this set. :)

  16. Boo loves cooking/baking. I've never used any of the silicone baking products...that would be something her and I could do together.

  17. a few years back i got my granddaughters aprons and chefs hat it was so cute watching them play I am grandma and mommy cooking and baking.

  18. I love it, so cute and they can play dress up baker and then help in the kitchen when Mom or Dad is baking. I think it give a child a sense of feeling being important. I would make her the helper and decider on what to bake and how to decorate. She would love it!!!

  19. How cute! Anything that starts with putting on an apron will be right up my grandson's alley. He loves helping out in the kitchen (and you should've seen him when he got the apron from Lowe's for their kids workshops!). This is such a great idea to foster creativity and imagination in children.

  20. I have been a big fan of silicone baking cups, even though I only discovered them a few years ago...I'm a little slow. More importantly, I love her baker's apron and hat! Hurray for little hands helping out!


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