Monday, August 30, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday: Numbers/Counting

Time for Muffin Tin Monday, hosted by Muffin Tin Mom

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

This week's theme was numbers, which was perfect for planning this week.  Today we reviewed 1, 2 and 3 before starting 4 tomorrow.  

The cut out numbers are pb&j sandwiches
1 cracker
2 pieces of pineapple
3 wax beans

I used yellowish foods because we are still focusing on yellow.

The girls are really looking forward to eating with their 
special circle plate.

Yes I tinted the milk yellow

In the time it took me to make my own tomato sandwich 
the girls plates looked like this:

Guess this meal was a success.

Mamarazzi Monday: A New First For Hannah

This week Mamarazzi Monday is being hosted by Sarah at Main Line Moms.

Mamarazzi Monday

This weekend I was happily snapping away in Orchard Park, NY because we were at Ralph Wilson Stadium, for the first home preseason Buffalo Bills Football game.  Which also happened to be Kid's Day!  And Hannah's first football game.

Here we are arriving in time for the Kid's Day events:

Enjoying some of the free activities:

(The girls enjoyed racing through this bouncy attraction)

Waiting in line to play the Verizon Wireless game drinking
free chocolate milk

Every time we moved forward Amelia would plop right 
back down.

Back to the Bouncy Attraction


Tabitha thought Hannah needed a hat too

We brought some paper and a baggie of chalk and 
crayons to help keep them occupied.
(Wish it hadn't fallen so much though)

At halftime the local mascots played
(I am very glad the children already knew that the mascots,
Billy Buffalo specifically, are just people in costumes
with masks on, because at one point Billy Buffalo's 
head fell off, oooooops, that's not supposed to happen.)

My hubby shared his version of the day at his blog: 

I just had to share these last few pictures:

Amelia, after our nightly walk:

(That's a Clifford backpack sticking out of her coat)

Tabitha decided to make a letter L one evening, then 
Amelia had to try as well.

Tadpole Update

Just a little photo update on our tadpoles/frogs.

August 25th:

August 29th:

Look at how it is so upright.  Makes it look so alert.
Looks like a statue when I walk in the kitchen.

Steven was cleaning the tank, so they had a 
temporary residence in the pail.
Wondering if you can see all three in here.

The frog was actually climbing the side of the pail.
I didn't know they could do that!

Nice clean home.

No, this is not a new one.
This little guy STILL doesn't have front legs.

Linking up to Science Sunday hosted by Ticia over at Adventures in Mommydom

Sunday, August 29, 2010


This week we focused on the number three and the color yellow.  We started out by making a yellow collage.  Looking out the window I decided some yellow flowers would add some variety to the collage, so we headed outside for a dandelion hunt.

The one who used to say "cheese" all the time when
I got the camera out is now refusing to look at the camera.

Not only did the girls get to glue the dandelions on, they also colored with them first.

They both enjoy cutting out their pictures they colored

And gluing their masterpieces together.

We also made our #3 books.  I decided the girls could make triangles out of yellow paper strips.  Amelia needed a little extra help, but Tabitha did a great job gluing the strips in a triangle shape.

We finally finished our ants today.  The girls painted the cut up egg carton black.  We discussed how an ant has three body parts.  Then they painted some twist ties black.  Today they tore them apart and shaped them to form legs and antennae.

We also read The Three Little Pigs, The Three Bears and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  We actually have two copies of The Three Billy Goats Gruff checked out of the library.  One, like The Three Bears, is a board book version illustrated by Thea Kliros.  Very soft paintings, not sure if they are watercolors or what.  I enjoyed both of them, except for the ending of  The Three Bears where Goldilocks comes back to play with baby bear.  The other version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff was by Paul Galdone and it came with a CD so Tabitha could follow along, turning the pages, not being alerted by a bell, but with a goat's, "maaaa."  She enjoyed reading the book by herself. 

Speaking of reading, I decided to check the first collection of Bob Books Beginning Readers out of the library again.  I originally took them out quite a while ago to see what they were like.  Tabitha read the first 3 books in one sitting.  Except for the fact that it was bed time I probably would have let her read more.  I like the fact that they start with only a few letters and a simple story.  I personally think the simple pictures are cute and I am glad there is no detailed artwork to distract from the story.  Simple story, simple art.  She was really excited about reading these stories.  

I guess our Alphabet Scavenger Hunt made quite the impact on Tabitha.  She continually is looking around and finding letters.  For example, I was working on some plastic canvas and Tabitha saw some scraps on the floor and told me she found a Y

We were blowing bubbles and I was thinking about the motion science lesson I wanted to do from the book Science is Simple by Peggy Ashbrook.  Of course the bubbles are moving because of the air and the lesson uses balls.  I am not sure exactly why I connected the two thoughts, but I did.  We decided to do something different for a change.  Instead of popping the bubbles we decided to blow them around the floor.  We discovered it took a gentle breath and didn't always work, but the girls had a blast:

As this post has gotten quite long, I am going to write a separate post for our tadpole/frog update and one of Hannah's new firsts.  When they are completed the links will be in the previous sentence.  

Don't forget to check out this week's Words of Wisdom Wednesday post.  I asked Tabitha, "Why do we sleep?"  If you choose to ask your child this question I would love to see the answer.  Just write a post and link up by following the link above to that post.

To see what others are doing with their toddlers and preschoolers, head on over to 1+1+1=1 and Homeschool Creations.

Tot School

preschool corner

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