Sunday, December 7, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: December 7, 2014

Time for some Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

Joy, White, Stripes, Tree, Shapes


This house spreads the Christmas joy each year with its synchronized musical lights that is broadcast over the radio. 


 The librarian gave the children marshmallows at story time yesterday and it made me think that a pile of them could represent white snowballs, seeing as our snow is all gone and we are having rain instead.


The beginning of a failed wreath using striped candy canes.


We don't put up a tree of our own, so I thought a picture of the Christmas tree at the library would be perfect. I love the books in the background.


I saw the cups of crayons at story time and thought this would be a great subject for my shapes prompt. Circles within a circle.


  1. The marshmallows make my mouth water. An ingenious shape shot.

  2. I like your very original thought for white. Nicely done. Have a blessed Sunday.

  3. I like your stripe shot and the marshmallows too-yum.

  4. Nice set. I love houses that are decked out like that one. The shows are fun to watch.
    Great idea using marshmallows for the white prompt.
    I like the candy cane wreath, sorry it didn't turn out as you had hoped.
    Pretty tree. We haven't put ours up yet.
    Colorful crayons do make for a fun shape.


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