Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: January 8, 2014 (w/linky)- A Picture and a Story by Tabitha

Tabitha loves drawing birds. Here is her latest masterpiece plus the story she narrated to me, which I wrote on the back.

The mother is saying "Tweet Tweet (sigh)" and is crying. To find out why you will have to read the story below.

(Just to clarify, this is not Tabitha's handwriting. She asked me to write her story as she dictated it to me. She insisted I use a crayon though, so it isn't my best handwriting. I have decided I don't really like writing with a crayon.)

In case you are having trouble reading it, here is the story:

Once upon a time a mother bird laid four eggs. They were about to hatch. The mother bird went off to find food for them. While she was gone an eagle came and took away her three baby girls. When the mother bird got home she was upset to see her triplets gone. The only one left now was the boy baby bluebird. The mother bird saw the eagle and noticed he had her baby girls. Just then her baby boy hatched. The mother gave the baby some food before going to get the baby girls. They got them back and the mother bird gave them some food. The End

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. Awww, that is so sweet. Doesn't it just make your heart melt!

    1. I thought it was sweet too. She loves telling stories about her pictures. Love her imagination!

  2. WOW! She wrote that! Impressive + her handwriting is great!

    1. Just wanted to clarify, Tabitha dictated to me as she wanted to tell the story but I knew she wouldn't want to write all that. So, that is me trying to write with a crayon (the writing utensil she asked me to use). I have decided I don't really like writing in crayon. So, not my best writing (though, not my worst either, lol)
      So glad you stopped by!

  3. Aww! how cute she is much more imaginative than me heheh!

  4. Love it! I don't like writing with crayon either.

  5. Ahh This is one of those things you will keep forever!

  6. I think the three baby girls should have tackled the eagle in a Power Puff girl move.


  7. I'm glad it ended happily. Seeing the picture I thought it was going to end sad. You can't judge writing by the picture. I do love the drawing by the way. It's just the tears that I saw, which made me think it was going to be a sad story.

  8. How sweet. I'm glad it ended on a happy note.

  9. Awww. Such a sweet story!


  10. Both of my daughters loved writing stories when they were young. Keep encouraging yours to be creative through words and pictures. You never know where this will take her. Happy WW & 2014!

  11. Very cute! Glad she had a happy ending for the bird family! Thanks for linking up to the Virtual Fridge!


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