Saturday, January 18, 2014

Five on Friday: January 17, 2014

The Pebble Pond

I did not realize it had been a month since I posted a random 5 on Friday post. I had plans on being more faithful this year, but I have just been so busy. It is hard to find time to actually write a post. That said, I am going to try to be more faithful from here on out. We'll see how it goes.

There are funny things or cute things that will happen during the week that I would like to share, but they don't really make a post on their own. So, this is the perfect opportunity to share them.

1. First of all, we started back in with our regular school schedule. We had a "review" week last week, but this week we started back with a new unit, having our gathering time, using workboxes, the whole nine yards. Plus we were excited to start back in with our first TOS Review item of the year. Kinderbach is fitting in very well with our schedule.

Hard at Work
 2. I discovered that Harold loves to cut. Which is fine, except for when he is trying to cut things he shouldn't be cutting, like his sisters' school work. This, however, is his work:

Harold can cut fringes.
 3. I also discovered that Hannah is quite able to write her own letters for her Letter/Sound book. I have only seen her trace letters before on handwriting sheets. I had no clue she could write letters so well. Yes, I had to tell her what letter to write, and, yes, she needed some guidance on what stroke to use, but the writing is all her own (except for the k's).


(There is an extra i in there for some reason and her letters are all over the place, but she wrote them. I am so proud of her.)
 4. The other day while I was taking a rest, Tabitha was busy building a spider's web in the dining room.
Spider Web

Proud little web maker

Examining the web to see if there are any spiders in it.
 5. And for a completely random picture: 

It seems the Lauri Fit-a-Space activity we received with our My Father's World Preschool curriculum has these really cool disks that we can make faces out of. Okay, okay, I confess, it was mommy who noticed the face. 


  1. Your photos and ideas made me smile and think of my own boys and activities we have done. Thank you.


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