Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: October 6, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
This week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts were taken from the Photo A Day Challenge prompts, making it easier for me to keep up with both.

Day 1: Something Colorful, Day 2: Light, Day 3: You Today, Day 4: In Motion, Day 5: Afternoon

Day 1: Something Colorful

Day 2: Light

 Day 3: You Today

 'Day 4: In Motion

 Day 5: Afternoon

While the children were playing outside yesterday afternoon, I decided to take a picture of a bee on the flowers. Can you find the bee?

Obviously the above pictures are also my Photo-a-Day photos. And this coming week's prompts are also taken from them. So far so good on keeping up with October's challenge. 

1 comment:

  1. what a pretty countryside! love the picture of your kids IN MOTION. Have a great week.


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