Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Homemaker's Mentor CD Review and Giveaway

I have had the wonderful opportunity of reviewing an advance copy of The Homemaker's Mentor CD. This CD is a collection of lessons, resources and ebooks that were available to members of The Homemaker's Mentor website. On this site, Martha Greene, Rebekah Wilson and other homemakers shared help and encouragement. 

I have to say, this wonderful collection sure has been an encouragement to me. My homemaking skills are very poor, to say the least. I was hoping to find some helpful information, something to help me along in making my house a home. I want to be able to teach the children so they can grow up knowing the proper way to care for a home and to have a good attitude while doing so. I have to say, I have found just that, and I have barely scratched the surface of this CD.  

There is good reason for my barely scratching the surface. There are over 110 files on this CD! You will find recipes (and tons of them), homemaking lessons, tutorials and ebooks. 

Here is a sneak peak of what you will find:

As I was perusing the files I wasn't sure where I wanted to start digging deeper. My husband and I both skimmed the contents and I don't know about him, but I was a bit overwhelmed. I started reading one of the homemaking lessons called "A Vision of Order: Organization in the Home." 

I was reminded that chaos and disorder are not a part of God's plan for our lives as he is a God of order. How do the authors recommend gaining a sense of order in the home? The most important thing is to have a schedule. I need to sit down and figure out which tasks need to be done Daily, Weekly, Monthly and every once in a while. And, yes, the children are to be involved in the chores (which we call "helpful jobs"). 
I loved this quote from the lesson:

"You can teach [your children] by your own example that serving your family
through your daily housework is a source of great joy and contentment.
They will soon desire the same joy in their own lives."

There are even writeable forms provided where you can add your schedule right on the computer and then print it out. 

I also discovered another ebook that is a wealth of information about homemaking. It is the "Treasury of Homekeeping Skills: A Vintage Keepsake Collection" by Martha Greene. 

There are 265 pages in this ebook covering a multitude of topics.

Here is a list of the sections you will find in this ebook:
  • Homekeeping
  • Hospitality
  • Home Duties
  • First Aid in the Home
  • Gardening
  • Cooking and Baking
  • Reserves for the Family
  • Handiwork
  • Business of the Home
  • Family Records
I love all the information here and I feel it will be a help to many homemakers, whether just starting out or looking for new tricks or advice. I have to say, I love the black and white vintage drawings and ads, they give the book a nice homey touch. I will definitely be digging into this book more in the near future. 

Of course, I had to try some of the recipes included in this CD. There is a file titled Amazing Simple Recipes. There are recipes for a wide variety of dishes and some of the files even give recipes for a full menu. We tried the Breaded Italian Chicken the other night and I made the Garlic Toast and Cheesy Red Rice with Olives to go with it. A Green Salad and Garden Beans are also suggested along with Southern Iced Tea. While I don't have fresh out of the garden green beans, I did include canned green beans. 

You can read more about this meal in my Delicious Dish Tuesday post

For Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen I chose a cookie recipe from "A Cookie Fixes Everything." 

Hubby loves his coffee and the girls and I like to sneak sips every once in a while. Additionally, we love stopping for the occasional treat of a Frozen Mocha. So, I thought making the Frosted Mocha Cookies would be a good idea. 

Um, yes, it was a very good idea. These cookies are wonderful. There is just the right amount of coffee flavor in with the chocolate and they were so easy to make (check out the Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen post here).  Unfortunately we didn't have enough frosting for all the cookies. That is because someone got into it and ate a whole bunch of it. We still don't know who the culprit is. 

The next thing I am going to do, is try to restore my cast iron pan using this lesson:
Seasoning & Caring for Cast Iron

If you are a new homemaker starting out, or if you would like to improve your skills to be a better, more frugal homemaker, as I hope to I would highly recommend this CD. It would also make a lovely gift for friend or maybe a new bride. Would you like to sample a couple of lessons? You will find a link to download two lessons: "For the Love of Laundry" and "Perfect Pies" here. You can purchase the CD for the Introductory Sale price of $37 for a limit time (after October 18th it will be $47). 

There is a HUGE MEGA GIVEAWAY going on from now through October 18th. There will be one Grand Prize Winner and 10 runners up. Here is a sneak peak at what you can win. You can find more details by clicking here

Worth over $400!

You can check out each Launch Team Member's Review by clicking here, and you will have the chance to enter to win each of their giveaways. Additionally, I have also been given the opportunity to offer my readers a chance to win 1 of 2 copies of The Homemaker's Mentor CD. That's right, there will be two winners!

All you need to do is enter in the Rafflecopter form below. There are only 3 simple mandatory entries, with the remainder of the entries being optional. Remember, you do not have to do the extra entries, but they will increase your odds of winning. 

This giveaway is open to US residents 18 and over. 
The giveaway runs October 9th-October 22nd.
Thanks for stopping by and good luck!


  1. I hadn't spotted the one about A Vision of Order; I'll have to go find that one specifically! Isn't the Vintage Treasury a gold mine?? I love it! Great review, thanks for the highlights! Be blessed!

  2. ME! Does that make me selfish? lol

  3. Oh my goodness! I just looked at everything on the CD! Looks fabulous! I must have!!!

  4. Thank you for sharing so many great projects from this cd with us! My favorite is the Vintage Treasury, but the cast iron skillet book is going to get fully used at this house! I love the idea of using a drill attachment to scrub off the rust. (Amy B at Bow of Bronze)

  5. Myself, lol. Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. Wow! Sounds great! I have never heard of this before. I am going to enter the giveaway now! :)

  7. I would get the CD for me and share it with my friends.

  8. I would use this CD with my daughter. I would consider purchasing it as a new bride's gift in the future. Thank you for the chance to win it!

  9. First things first, that is quite a loot!! Awesome giveaway :)

    Second, well, I cannot run on set schedules and routine, they make me go insane. But order is needed, yup.

  10. I would get this for myself. Thanks for sharing

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Great review!
    You had me at frosted mocha cookies though.....

  13. The frosted mocha cookies look amazing! And the CD looks like a wonderful resource.

  14. It sounds too like this would be a good gift when a woman is just getting married!

    Those cookies do look good and I bet they are good w/coffee. :)

  15. I'd get it for myself:) I love these kinds of things;)!!!
    annejk112233 at yahoo dot com

  16. I would love to get this for me (like most of the women!), but I'm also excited to be able to share this with my daughter.

  17. I'd get it for myself. I could use some household tips!

  18. I'd probably keep it for myself.

  19. I would get this for me! I'm not a homemaker at ALL! I'd love some help or motivation!

  20. I thought about my niece, but might just keep it for myself!

  21. I would definitely make use of this for myself!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. If get this for me! I can use all the help I can get!!

  23. If get this for me! I can use all the help I can get!!


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