Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Twister Dance Rave Flash Giveaway!

It's a Flash Giveaway!!
Have you ever played Twister? You know, that spin the spinner, twist your body in all sorts of interesting positions game. Well....check this out!!
Britney Spears has collaborated with Hasbro to create a new fun dance version of the classic Twister game. One lucky winner will win the new Twister Dance Rave Game!

So, what do you think? Does this sound like a fun game or what? I think my girls would love to play this. Do you know someone who you would like to win this for?

This is a FLASH Giveaway! It will last only 6 Hours from 6pm to midnight est! Enter now!
Open to the US Only
Use the entry form below to enter! Good Luck!
Disclaimer: I am a participating blogger in this giveaway. I did not receive any compensation for this post and I am not responsible for shipment of this prize.


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