Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: October 13, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
This week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts were again taken from the Photo A Day Challenge prompts, making it easier for me to keep up with both.

Day 7: What You Saw Today, Day 8: Corner, Day 9: Pink, Day 10: Hands, Day 11: M is for...

Day 7: What You Saw Today
Hannah had cut a hole in the playpen's mesh. When I turned around, this is what I saw. Just for the record, he is usually trying to climb out!

Day 8: Corner
The church where we go to playgroup is at the intersection of the main street in town and the road that leads up to where I used to live with my older children 17 years ago. 

Day 9: Pink
Amelia sporting her pink jacket and pink & green striped dress, sitting on the pink bench of their picnic table.

Day 10: Hands
Little Harold climbed up on the couch while I was working on the computer. Next thing I knew, he was asleep. 45 minutes later the only thing he had moved were his arms and his hands were in just the right position, I knew I had to use them for this prompt.

Day 11: M is for...

Maple- Maple leaves in front of the cabins at Penn-York Camp where we have co-op. The cabins are all named after hard-wood trees and this one is Maple.

While this week's prompts were from the Photo-a-Day challenge, we skipped Day 6 which is 8 o'clock. So, I wanted to make sure to share that too.
Hannah was very cooperative and came down the stairs at precisely 8:00 am, just in time for me to capture this shot. She is usually the first one awake. She comes downstairs and usually the first thing out of her mouth is, "I play on Starfall?"

Nurture Photography Challenge - Autumn 2013 Edition

It is that time of year again. Time to join in with Kristi at Live and Love Out Loud and Rebecca at Bumbles and Light for their Fall Nurture Photography Challenge.

This week's prompt is Yellow/Shine


  1. Lovely series. Love the maple shots...just beautiful.

  2. Nice set. I liked the M for Maple, how fun to have the cabins all named for trees. What you saw today made me laugh, wasn't that just so helpful having her cut a hole for him to crawl out. Your hands shot is so sweet.

  3. Thank you for sharing this linky! I love taking and sharing photographs. I like the idea of one post for the entire week, because I know that I wouldn't be able to keep up with it daily. Have a great day! I hope to participate soon. Does the photo challenge happen every month?

  4. Very lovely fall photos, especially the pretty yellow leaves!

  5. Love all of the yellows you found! Thanks so much for taking part in the Nurture Photography Challenge :)


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