Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall into Nature: Fall Leave Frames

Fall Into Nature

Even though fall means warmer weather is disappearing and winter is on its way, it is my favorite season. I love that it is not so sweltering hot anymore. And I'm going to let you in on a little secret, I also love that the bees and mosquitoes are not as abundant (I really can't stand bugs, especially the flying, biting, stinging kind). But my favorite thing about autumn is the brilliant colors as the leaves change.

And those leaves falling on the ground are wonderful for walking in to hear that lovely crunching sound. 

And children are willing helpers to rake the leaves into piles.

Of course, throwing them is much more fun. 

But best of all, we get to use the leaves for crafts. Last year I shared our leaf people craft and our wreathes along with some links to some fun fall ideas. This year we made some Fall Leaf Frames with the preschool class at co-op.

 I thought Tabitha and Amelia would like to make one as well.  So, they are going to help me demonstrate how to make this simple craft.

I used my paper cutter to cut a one inch frame out of two pieces of construction paper for each picture. And I cut 2 pieces of clear contact paper to fit just a bit over the inside of the frame.

I laid one piece of the contact paper sticky side up and put one frame on top.

Then they laid on their leaves.

Then I covered it with the other piece of contact paper.

Then the girls put glue on the frame so we could cover it with the other frame.

This post is a part of the TOS Review Crew Blog Cruise "Fall Into Nature."
Click here to check out more fun posts.



  1. I like it! :)

    Annette @ A Net in Time

  2. That looks like such a fun yet simple craft, thanks.

  3. I haven't done this in so long. I bet my kids would love it.


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