Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: October 20, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
This week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts were again taken from the Photo A Day Challenge prompts, making it easier for me to keep up with both.

Day 13: Watching, Day 16: Leafy, Day 17: First World Problem, Day 18: Still, Day 19: A Good Day

Day 13: Watching
Tabitha enjoying watching the Bills game through daddy's binoculars. 

 Day 16: Leafy
I have a lot of pictures of trees showing the lovely fall colors, but they didn't speak "leafy" to me. This pile of leaves did!

Day 17: First World Problem
With so many donut choices, it is still possible that I will have to choose something different than the one I would rather have all because it is the end of the day and others have gotten here first. 

Day 18: Still
I really do not know how she stayed still enough to not fall off the couch after she fell asleep like this the other night.

Day 19: A Good Day
A good day to attend a free Bubble Mania show at the library. I love their free programs. The guy was both funny and informative with lots of bubble fun. I think my other pictures from this might just be this coming week's Wordless Wednesday. Which would be appropriate because he did a lot of the show without words.

While this week's prompts were from the Photo-a-Day challenge, we skipped Days 12, 14 and 15 so I wanted to make sure to share those too.

Photo-a-Day (October)

Day 12: Below

Couldn't decide which photo I preferred. This is a shot of my roses outside our dining room window. I wasn't expecting to see any new buds this time of year.

Day 14: Favorite Space
My favorite space to sit and read was occupied by Amelia pretending to drive her baby doll to the doctor I believe.

Day 15: Secret
I took a walk on the grounds of the camp where we have homeschool co-op.  I went down a trail I have never gone down before and found the lake, though not really a secret, it is hidden from the public eye, tucked away in the hills.

Here is what it looks like once I got past the trees:

Nurture Photography Challenge - Autumn 2013 Edition

It is that time of year again. Time to join in with Kristi at Live and Love Out Loud and Rebecca at Bumbles and Light for their Fall Nurture Photography Challenge.

This week's prompt is Orange/Fiery


  1. WOW all great shots for this week's challenges!!

  2. Great photos. Isn't it funny how kids can fall asleep

  3. She is young-that is how she managed to stay still enough not to fall!

    I like the orange church and trees too. I also participate in that photo challenge.

  4. How cute is "watching" and 'still!"
    a great set of photos for all challenges!

  5. First on your SHS shots. Still is hilarious. How could she sleep like that!
    Loved the shot of the Lake and your Orange shots were all wonderful.

  6. What beautiful pictures! I love the fall! Such gorgeous colors! Thanks for sharing.


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