Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: July 24, 2013 (w/linky)- Tabitha's First Year at Camp

This year was Tabitha's first opportunity to go to Penn-York Camp. They have a Mini-Camp where they only stay over 2 nights instead of a full week. She was excited but nervous, quite typical.

Of course I had to get some pictures of her going to camp and of us picking her up.
(Which is why this Wordless Wednesday is late, we just got home from picking her up.)

Off we go! Our flat travelers came along with us to see her off.

Arrival at camp.

Saying goodbye to her flat traveler friend.

At registration

Getting her bags

Off to her cabin

The girls and the counselor carried all the bags. There was nothing left for mommy and daddy to carry. Granted, she was only going for two days, so there weren't that many clothes.

She was assigned to Cardinal.

Choosing her bunk.

We played at the park a for a little while today and then had a picnic dinner before going to pick her up.

Arrival at camp to pick Tabitha up. She seemed happy to see us (at first). Seems she would have liked some more time at camp. 

We put $10 in the camp store for her to purchase some snacks and souvenirs. She purchased a flashlight and bug net. 

Look at the big bug she caught!

Tabitha with her counselor Lydia. 

Amelia had a lovely idea to make Tabitha some welcome home muffins. We made them before leaving the house earlier in the day.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. It looks like she had a wonderful time at camp. My children loved going. It is so much fun for them.

  2. How fun for Tabitha! We sent our eldest off to camp for five days this month as well. She's 12 but I was still missing her something terrible :)

  3. The pics from the top of the slide are awesome. Thanks for linking up and for hosting always!! (hug)

  4. My wishes that the kids come home safe and sound from camp. Also, the baby is getting so big!

  5. Spending the night somewhere is always a big deal! It looks like she had fun!

    I love that you all made muffins for her.

    My son's camp was a week long day camp. It went from 8:30 to 3:30. He was beat at the end of each day!

  6. Wow, so exciting! So glad she had a great time at camp!

  7. Looks like she had a fantastic time at camp! Love the pics from the top of the slide.

    Happy WW!

  8. Yay so fun! Happy summer memories!

  9. Hurray for camp! We're headed to camp this week too, though my kids aren't quite old enough to go even to a two-day camp yet. They get to play all day while mommy volunteers. Good times. Lovely pics!

  10. Adorable pictures. I especially love the action shots!

  11. Aww! so much fun for them looked like they loved it

  12. Thank you so much for sharing these photos; felt so much love and really made me smiled :)

    PS: Nice big bug :)

  13. Looks like she had a great time :)

  14. Beautiful pictures of your children kewkew! They are certainly having a wonderful summer. Thanks for hosting and Happy WW!

  15. That is the most extraordinary bug I ever did see!

  16. It looks like a great time! I'm glad she enjoyed camp.

  17. Summer camp! So much fun! SO many great memories she will treasure forever.

  18. The girl seems very sharp.

    My entry is here.

  19. She must have had a wonderful time if she would have liked to stay longer...wonderful photos, they tell a nice story.

  20. What fun! How sweet that you welcomed her home with muffins.

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Delaware State Fair Dance Mob

  21. I bet she enjoyed some 'alone' time without her siblings to share some special fun times. those muffins look yummy, too.
    Faythe @ GrammyMouseTails

  22. So sweet! Love the welcome home muffins.

  23. Camp will be a great experience.


  24. So sweet and I love that your other little one wanted to have her something to welcome her home.

  25. A 2 day camp is a great idea to get them introduced to camping! I bet she had a great time!


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