Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: July 17, 2013 (w/linky)- Having fun at the Drive-In

Last weekend we went to the Drive-In. They had the perfect combination of movies. Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University. I have to tell you, I am not a big fan of sequels usually, but Despicable Me 2 was done very well, and Monsters U was incredible. 

While we waited for it to get dark enough for the movies to start we had quite a bit of time to kill.

This is Screen 2 where we would be watching our movies. It is the smaller screen.

Almost time for the movie. It was a lovely sunset. 

This is Screen 1, the bigger screen. I love the sky behind it.

Harold did a lot of climbing during the movie. The reason we can't really go to a movie theater right now. The other reason is the cost of course. It is a lot cheaper to go to the Drive-In and we get to see two movies. Would you believe Tabitha and Amelia both stayed up to see both movies?

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. Oh, I didn't know they still had drive ins! How fun! I remember going to those with my parents many years ago!

    1. Funnily enough, I had never been to a drive in growing up. We lived in the city. I moved to this area 20 yrs ago and only just started going to the drive in when I got remarried 7 yrs ago. We have only gone a handful of times, but this was the best combination of movies ever. Usually there is one more adult movie on 2nd.

  2. I love the night shots.


    1. We weren't sure if it was going to be a rainy evening or not, at first. But it ended up being lovely and the sunset was beautiful.


  3. totally adorable.
    But Iam in love with the little man!

  4. So cool!! I wish we had a drive in! Cute photos!

  5. What fun! Sadly, the last drive-in around here closed a few years ago, :(

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Pink Floribunda Rose

  6. Oh I loved family time at drive-inn movies!

  7. Beautiful pictures kewkew! Look at Harry playing with his sisters. He is growing so nicely! Thanks for hosting.

  8. awesome combi for the movies! we've watched MU but not Despicable Me 2 yet.. such a fun day out!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  9. Looks like you had a fun filled evening, drive-ins are great!

  10. I love drive in movies but am saddened at how they will soon be a thing of the past with fewer and fewer available.


  11. Looks like a great day... and you have some very nice and interesting shots.

    If you have not done so yet, we would love to have you come share/link via our WWHop: http://www.craftyspices.com/hops/wwhop
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  12. That looks like a lot of fun! I love drive-ins.

  13. Love the fun and adorable photos, kewkew!!

    Happy WW!

  14. I've never been to a drive in. It looks like so much fun!

  15. So cool visiting a drive in movie theatre. I have yet to experience one as we don't have these in Singapore.

  16. I haven't experienced Drive ins but this look so much fun!

  17. We go to the drive in once a summer because it's such a late night for the kids.

  18. Eep, I totally want to go to the drive-in, too! Can you believe I've never been?

  19. I have never taken the kids to the drive in. We used to go every year as children. I still remember my Mom fudging my age or my brother's age to get the better price. It was always fun. I recall the time I slept through Star Wars though. Boring! To a 12 year old girl anyways!!

  20. Happy WW! Your children are so adorable.

    The drive-in looks like fun. I only went once as a teen. Not sure if they have them any more around here.

  21. I love all of the pretty dresses!

  22. I miss drive-ins. Some great times with my folks. What a wonder that would be to take the kids. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Thanks for hosting a great party. Please stop by and share on our Brag About It Tuesday Party. Have a great day!

    ~~ Thanks, Sharon & Denise

  24. That is so cool. They just opened one up near me. I cannot wait to go! My brother just went with his little ones and said it's the only way to go the movies with tots.

  25. That looks so cool. They opened up one near me. My brother just went and said it's the only way to go the movies with little ones!

  26. Looks like you might have a quarterback in your hands!

  27. I've never been to a drive thru movie. We don't have any out here near us. Looks like they had a blast!

  28. Wow! Both movies playing? Score!

    We love the drive-ins here too because of the fact you can get two for one and it's so much cheaper. Also the kids can bring their friends and with our SUV it's just a great time hanging out.

  29. The only time I remember going to a drive-in movie, it was a movie that no one should take a child to. I was just a toddler. I don't think that my parents realized what type of movies were played at that drive-in...and apparently, that was the *only* type of movie that particular drive-in played. To this day, I still remember what I saw and getting pushed down in the backseat so that I wouldn't see anything else. Talk about an OOOPS parenting moment!

    I am so glad to hear that your area has family-friendly drive-ins! That is so cool!

  30. Fun pics! Visiting late from WW. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. ice cream fondue

  31. So glad you joined me for Wordless Wednesday at The Jenny Evolution. Silence may be golden, but I hope you're making some noise this week!



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